Dear fellow listers,

Once again I turn to you for advice – oh so valuable and appreciated!

Last year we prepared for four hurricanes in South Florida. This season, so 
far, we prepared twice. While during Katrina we experienced pretty major 
damage in the gardens and some water intrusion in the House, we fared well 
-- extremely well -- compared to those less fortunate in other areas.

My question concerns an alternative to sandbags – see

Does anyone of you have any experience with this?

My main concern with traditional sandbags (in addition to weight and 
storage) is mold growth, when the bags are put back in storage without them 
being dried out properly. In the past, they have been put away wet, and 
there is mold (active and/or dormant) and drying them out completely is a 
major task, requiring time, resources, and space!

Is "The Amazing Water Absorption Bag" as good as it sounds?

Thanks for your input!

Remko Jansonius
Collections and Archives Manager
Vizcaya Museum and Gardens
Miami, FL

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