Generally we get requests for use of our images in reproductions for scholarly use, press, and occassional commercial use.  We are getting requests for transparency loans and the like for 'personal use' where people say they want to make reproductions for their homes. 
Assuming copyright is not an issue (eg items are in public domain), we still need to send a transparency, subject it to wear and tear, and deal with administration of tracking and return. 
Do any of you have policies or practices addressing this kind of personal use?  I'd rather not do it as its not really key to our mission and takes up time but am curious about reactions  to making that the administrative basis.  Reply on or off line as you like. Thanks.
Melissa Smith Levine
Associate Director, Finance & Administration
The Wolfsonian - Florida International University
1001 Washington Avenue
Miami Beach, Florida 33139   
Tel 305-535-2655
Fax 305-531-2133
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