That was great!  Alright here is an idea an old boss of mine and I came up 
with around halloween.  No one really got our joke, but I think this crowd 
would.  We wanted to be museum style 'ghost busters'....Either a suit of 
tyvek, a shoulder mounted vacuum, a belt containing supplies of b-72, b-67, 
brushes, acid free tags, twill tape and other supplies, wearing cottom 
gloves....   this idea had us rolling in laughter for days, and the other 
employees of the museum (in the administrative side)  just didn't get it.... 
  We also couldn't come up with an acceptable party where people would 
understand our joke....This coming from the north east corner of Vermont.


>From: "Gray, Peter" <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: Museum discussion list <[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: The Sound of Museums
>Date: Thu, 30 Jun 2005 18:00:53 +0100
>Hi all
>Apropos of Museum Careers and Courses (staples of this list when Evolution 
>is not on the menu), you may be interested in this snippet from my 
>forthcoming musical 'The Sound of Museums'. Of course, it helps if you are 
>familiar with the 'Sound of Music'. Feel free to sing along, but please no 
>costumes made from curtains...
>The scene: A department of Museum Studies. Some students discuss their 
>prospects with a tutor. For unknown reasons they are dressed as nuns.
>[To the tune of Maria]
>Berthe: Unlock the door into the store, the floor has got a leak
>Sophia: I'm feeling so frustrated that it's very hard to speak
>Berthe: To fix a simple window, it will take at least a week
>Catherine: So is it any wonder that I'm crabby?
>Agatha: To get a start you work for free
>Sophia: Oh, come on now, get real!
>Berthe: You've fallen far behind your friends
>Catherine: And that you can't conceal
>Berthe:  I hate to have to say it, but I very firmly feel
>All four: Curating's not an asset to your CV
>Margaretta: I'd like to say a word in its behalf
>R. Mother: Then say it Sister Margaretta
>Margaretta: The salary makes me laugh!
>How do you get to have a good career?
>How do you get a job with lots of pay?
>What I desire, I'd like to make it clear,
>Is oodles of money, enormously long holidays.
>Many's the path I've tried and then abandoned,
>Many's the time I've tried to find a rôle.
>Accountancy won't impress
>And teaching's too full of stress
>And being a lawyer drives you up the pole
>Oh, how do you get to have a good career
>One where your worth's reflected in your pay?
>When I'm working I'm confused
>Out of focus, unamused
>And I never know exactly where I am.
>Re-arranging the exhibits
>Oh, it really is the limit
>When you're promised that tomorrow you'll get jam.
>Under-funded, under-staffed
>Should I cry or should I laugh?
>Should I try to fix the leak inside the store?
>Then I feel my pulses quicken,
>Run round like a headless chicken
>As the time for budget cuts rolls round once more.
>How do you get to have a good career?
>How do you get a job with lots of pay?
>What I desire, I'd like to make it clear,
>Is oodles of money, enormously long holidays.
>Many's the path I've tried and then abandoned,
>Many's the time I've tried to find a rôle.
>Accountancy won't impress
>And teaching's too full of stress
>And being a lawyer drives you up the pole
>Oh, how do you get to have a good career
>One where your worth's reflected in your pay?
>Peter M Gray
>Museums Officer
>Curiosity *may* have killed Schrödinger's cat.
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