June 13, 2005
Contact: The Grant Network
Telephone: 1-888-GRANT-10
Grant Writing Workshop in Omaha, NE - July 11-13, 2005
Omaha, NE --- The Grant Network will hold an intensive 3-day grant proposal writing workshop on the University of Nebraska-Omaha campus on July 11-13, 2005.  
The Grant Network is the only nonprofit national grantwriting instructional organization.  The Grant Network teaches individuals, organizations, and municipalities how to obtain funding through professional grant writing.  This workshop is designed for both the novice learning how to write a grant proposal and the grant writing professional seeking to streamline a development program.  Attendees will learn how to obtain funding from foundations and corporations, as well as local, state, and federal government sources.  All graduates of the course will receive certification in grant proposal writing from The Grant Network.  
The Grant Network's Grant Writing Workshop is a thorough introduction to the process of grant proposal writing.  The workshop will teach students the skills needed to become an expert grant writer.  The Grant Network gives workshop attendees a holistic view of the grant process, highlighting the relevance and importance of each phase.  Participants in this course are taught each step of the grant process from researching grant leads to developing long-lasting relationships with funding sources.  This broad scope of instruction gives attendees a crucial competitive advantage.
Each day begins at 8:30 a.m. and concludes at 5:00 p.m., with registration beginning at 7:30 a.m. on day one.  The first day of the workshop focuses on grant source research.  Students will learn the fundamentals of government, corporation, and foundation research.  The workshop emphasizes the wide range of research tools available from traditional library resources to the best online databases.  Students are taught how to integrate their research into the grant seeking process from the initiation of the funding effort.  The second day of the course concentrates on writing the grant proposal.   Here, students are taught how to become grant experts through an in-depth analysis of each element of successful grant proposals.  This substantive portion of the course is where students learn the art of mastering the grant writing process.  The last day of the course teaches students how to maximize a development program.  This final day will teach program fundamentals and productivity, as well as the role that proactive grant writing plays in effective program execution.
This workshop is being offered at a discounted rate of $499.  Regular tuition for all workshops is $549.  For group registrations of four or more, each group member receives a discounted tuition of $449.  Faculty and staff of the hosting institution receive a discounted tuition of $449.  Workshop attendees receive personalized grant research, over 50 grant proposal samples, and grant writing software at no additional cost.  Graduates of the course receive lifetime access to the Grantseekers' Forum, an online meeting place for grant writing professionals.  Early registration is recommended as class size is limited.  Registration may be conducted online at or attendees may call The Grant Network's toll free number to register with an associate.
To contact The Grant Network directly, please go to
or call 1-888-GRANT-10
Upcoming Workshops
June 13-15, 2005:  Univ. of Tennessee-Knoxville, Knoxville, TN
June 27-29, 2005:  Florida State Univ.,  Tallahassee, FL
July 11-13, 2005:  Univ. of Sioux Falls, Sioux Falls, SD
July 18-20, 2005:  Univ. of Wyoming, Laramie, WY
July 25-27, 2005:  Univ. of Tulsa, Tulsa, OK
July 26-27, 2005:  East Georgia College, Swainsboro, GA
See our website for a complete list of furture workshops
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The Grant Network
3720 East Anaheim Street, Suite 202
Long Beach, CA  90804
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