The Continuing Classroom: Museums Engaging Adults in Lifelong Learning

A Workshop presented by the Midwest Region of EdCom, the Association of
Midwest Museums (AMM), and the Illinois Humanities Council

Saturday, February 26, 2005
9:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m.
The Art Institute of Chicago
111 S. Michigan Avenue
Chicago, IL  60603

With an increasing aging population as well as young professionals who wish
to be more active, educators can play a major role in involving and
engaging them with their local museums and cultural institutions.  Speakers
representing museum programming for the many segments of the adult
population will engage in a discussion moderated by Jeffrey K. Smith,
professor and chair of the department of Educational Psychology at Rutgers
University and head of research and audience development at the
Metropolitan Museum of Art.  This special workshop will include group
dialogue and an interactive or hands-on project.  The cost for the workshop
if $20 for AMM or EdCom members and $30 for non-members.

The workshop is open to the public and is designed for museum educators in
all museums and cultural institutions.  Off-street parking is available and
the facility is wheelchair accessible.  Continental breakfast will be
provided and lunch is on your own.  For additional information, please
contact Sarah Boyd, chair of Midwest EdCom, at 312-443-3706 or
[log in to unmask] or visit the AMM web site at  On-
line registration is now available at the AMM web site or download a
registration form at the AMM web site.

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