Hi Joyce --

Our museum contracts with a private security company to provide a full
complement of guards.  We investigated hiring security staff as regular
museum employees but found we could not afford it -- many of the contract
guards make only minimum wage.  The down side, of course, is that you get
what you pay for.  We've been very lucky that the company keeps the
assignments pretty steady so we're not always faced with training new
people, and we're also fortunate that the guards who work here are committed
and loyal.  However, the reality is that many of them are beyond retirement
age, have health problems, and lack the social skills that would help them
interact better with visitors.  Even through the contract agencies, you can
get more highly qualified people, but their hourly rate is higher.  So yes,
our current situation is dictated by current economics.

Marie Via, Curator of Exhibitions
Memorial Art Gallery
500 University Avenue
Rochester, NY  14607
585-473-7720, x3012

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