I am doing still more research on multi-story exhibit spaces, with lots of
wall and or floor space.  Conical spaces such as the Questacon "drum" and
Zeum's own "cone" are good examples of what I am trying to find more of:

The first image on our (Zeum) site is the cone.  It has an internal conical
space ~2.5 stories tall with projectors.


Also Questacon:


Both sites are flash so I cannot give "deep link" URLs.

This research bears on our efforts working with partners; the bigger the
market for exhibit spaces, the more likely an investment will be possible in
a unique experience.

Andrew Sternick
Technology Administrator
221 Fourth St., San Francisco, CA  94103
415-820-3358 Tel
415-777-2851 Fax
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        Now in Zeum's Main Gallery...

        Let your imagination soar at Zeum.

        - Make art that comes to life in the wind
        - Design, build, and fly your own kite
        - Create a symphony of wind sounds

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