I'm finding this whole closet thread very interesting.  I've been going to
museums with historic homes all my life (I'm 27) and this is the first time
I've heard about the mythic closet tax!  I'd always been told the lack of
closets was do to less possessions to fill it.  And thinking about it, if
you are a pioneer building a house (having to cut down the trees, strip
them, dove tail them, etc.) would you really want to spend the time and
energy putting a closet in when you have a perfectly good trunk that has
lasted the entire thus far?

Also, about this closet tax.  I noticed that many have said that the taxes
were determined by doors.  So I would have to wonder why people wouldn't
just have built a "cubby" or alcove and left the door off in order to avoid
the tax.

Heather Marie

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