Thie policy listed below is in violation of the contract that merchants
establish with their credit card processors.  The contract stipulates that
establishing a minimum charge amount or adding a fee is not acceptable.  If
the company determines you have violated the contract, the services will be
terminated.  VISa and MasterCard take this very seriously.  From VISA's
perspective, they want their customers (you, the credit card owner) to be
able to use the credit card at your convenience.

And, yes, I will charge my admission costs on my credit card.  If I take my
family somewhere, the admission can be a good chunk of change.  I try not to
carry cash, so would prefer to charge everything.

Wendy Wiener
The Natural Exploreum of Alexandria
Alexandria, VA

>Many stores that I frequent have minimum limits for credit card charges now
>- anywhere from $5 to $10. Sometimes they will refuse to accept them under
>that limit, and other times there is a small transaction fee of 25 cents or
>so, to help them make up the fee. This is an idea you could try.

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