And another one:
This job was also forwarded to me, so I still know as much as you will when
you have finished reading the announcement.
And in case you missed the previous overview of the operations: The Heurich
House is the former home of the DC Historical Society (now City Museum)
which the Heurich family reacquired and has opened as a house museum. It is
late Victorian and also has connections with the German immigrant story and
beer. (so if you took a job here, cheap Rolling Rock might not be an issue!
Actually, if I recall correctly, the descendent who reacquired the house,
also the head of the board, is the owner of the Foggy Bottom beer company)

Sorry, the address did not copy, but if you're truly interested you can find
it with a little research onto their website.

The Heurich House Foundation, a non-profit foundation dedicated to
preserving the most intact late-Victorian house museum in the United States
and a key historic landmark in Washington, DC, is seeking a Site Manager to
run its day-to-day operations, handle all inquiries, interface with the
public, create public programs, develop and manage tours and special event
rentals, and assist the Development Director with fundraising activities.
The position will be full-time, and will report to the Chairman of the Board
and to the Development Director.
Competitive salary and benefits. Equal Employment Opportunity employer.
Professional qualifications and experience:
. . . . . . . . . . .
Strong educational background
Small business experience
Historic preservation experience
Special event management experience
Site tour development and management experience
Collections management and exhibit development experience
Ability to work autonomously (self-motivation skills), and as part of a team
(people management skills)
Ability to work with the public and report to a board of directors
Excellent organizational and communications skills, including verbal and
written presentations, and knowledge of communications technologies
Professional presentation and appearance, and high level of energy
Proficiency in Microsoft Office
Send cover letter and resume to the attention of Gary F. Heurich, Chairman,
Board of Trustees, at the below address.
6 MAY 2004

Pamela Feltus
Coordinator, Accreditation
American Association of Museums
Fax 202-289-6578
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