
I am a graduate student nearing the completion of my M.A. in museum studies.
  I have recently begun searching for entry level museum positions to which
I can apply.  During my search, I have noticed that nearly all positions,
even those I would consider to be entry level, require between 3-5 years
experience to apply.  During the course of my education I have gained some
experience via internships and volunteer work, but not the quantity for
which these positions ask.  I admit to being somewhat perplexed at the
conundrum presented here.  You must have significant experience to qualify
for the most basic of positions, and yet, how are you supposed to get
experience if you do not qualify for any positions from which you can gain
experience?  I would greatly appreciate any input or advice from more
experienced museum professionals.

Thank you for your time,
Dayna Minter

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