Colleagues in or near Maryland:

Does anyone know the situation at the Thrasher Museum in Frostburg?  I've
just received a national trade publication, which advertises that the
museum is offering an 1895 mosque top hearse for sale along with other
carriages from the collection.  The museum's web site describes the
facility as one of the nation's foremost collections of horse-drawn
vehicles; so, it's puzzling that they would let what appears in their
photos to be an extremely fine item out onto the market.  Are they on hard
times?  Is this a case of a misdirected Board?  Any insights would be
appreciated.  The Allegheny County Historical Society is somehow affiliated
with the museum, but that group may not be the owner of the collection.

Jon N. Austin, Director
Museum of Funeral Customs
1440 Monument Avenue
Springfield, IL   62702

(217) 544-3480
(217) 544-3484 (fax)

The Museum of Funeral Customs is operated by the Illinois Funeral Service
Foundation, which is a 501 (c) 3 not-for-profit corporation, and the
Illinois Funeral Directors Association.

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