I can definitely understand your frustration. Being a young professional and
not having many opportunities because you're underqualified (as it seems to
be the case for most of my job situations) or overqualified. Most of the
jobs in Canada because they are based on grants are geared towards those
just out of university or still in University (mainly summer jobs).

One thing I can suggest to you, is have you looked into the Young Canada
Works Program through Canadian Heritage? The YIIP program through the CMA is
a great program that allows you to work abroad and give you some experience
if you're under 30 and not working or planning to go back to school in the
fall. I went on it and it was a great experience but I've only managed to
get one contract post internship....and I'm honestly looking at getting out
of this field because working contract to contract is too hard, since I
mainly spend more time looking for a job than actually having one.

If anyone else out there has any good suggestions for young mid career
professionals or for those just entering the field I'd be happy to hear what
you can suggest.

By the way, E.I. stands for "Employment Insurance" which is basically if you
meet the Human Resources criteria is money for those who have been laid off
from a job.

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