The following is a press release from the Institute of Museum and Library


January 23, 2004

Press Contacts


Eileen Maxwell [log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]>  or

Mamie Bittner [log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]>

Laura Bush Presents National Awards for Museum and Library Service:

Announces increase in President's FY 05 budget for IMLS

WASHINGTON, DC - Laura Bush presented the 2003 National Awards for Museum
and Library Service to three libraries and three museums from across the
country in a White House ceremony yesterday afternoon. The awards are
conferred annually by the Institute of Museum and Library Services and
recognize the recipients for their outstanding service to the public. Each
organization also receives $10,000.

At the ceremony, Laura Bush announced that the President's budget would
include an increase for the Institute of Museum and Library Services saying,
"President Bush and I are committed to strengthening America's libraries and
museums. In his 2005 budget, the President has proposed a 14 percent
increase for IMLS. President Bush has also proposed an increase of $12
million for the Library Grants Program, and over $3 million for the 21st
Century Librarian Program. With this additional funding, IMLS can continue
to support museums and libraries and a nation of lifelong learners. And
supporting lifelong learning is the ultimate goal of museums and libraries

The awards ceremony celebrated our nation of learners. Individuals from
around the country whose lives have changed for the better because of the
services and programs at their local museums or library were at the White
House. They accepted the award along with the Directors of the winning
museums and libraries. Profiles of the winning organizations and photographs
of the award representatives are available at:

2003 National Awards for Museum and Library Services Recipients


* USS CONSTITUTION Museum (Boston)


* Bozeman Public Library (Bozeman)


* Carnegie Science Center (Pittsburgh)

* Free Library of Philadelphia (Philadelphia)


* San Angelo Museum of Fine Arts (San Angelo)

West Virginia:

* Pocahontas County Free Libraries (Marlinton)

Laura Bush, a passionate advocate for the educational opportunities the
nation's libraries and museums provide, said, "The museums and libraries we
honor today have developed innovative partnerships and programs for learners
of all ages, from babies to baby boomers to seniors. Thanks to these museums
and libraries, Americans of all ages are discovering the greatest lesson of
all, and that is learning is lifelong."

The National Awards for Museum and Library Service honor institutions for
their exemplary social, educational, environmental, or economic
contributions to their communities. "Through partnerships with schools,
businesses, social service agencies, and many other groups, these museums
and libraries have uplifted lives, improved neighborhoods, and made our
nation better," said Dr. Robert S. Martin, Director of the Institute. To
learn more about the awards and apply, please access for museums and for libraries.

Laura Bush concluded her remarks
eleases/2004/01/20040122-10.html quoting the nation's fourth President,
"President James Madison said, 'what spectacle could be more edifying or
more seasonable than that of liberty of learning, each leaning against the
other for their mutual and surest support...' America's museums and
libraries will forever support the principles that make our country strong
and free and they will continue to light the way to liberty and learning for
generations to come."

The celebration of the 2003 National Awards for Museum and Library Service
is made possible by 3M Library Systems, EBSCO Information Services, Metal
Edge, Inc., netLibrary, and Southwest Museum Services.

The Institute of Museum and Library Services is an independent Federal
grant-making agency dedicated to creating and sustaining a nation of
learners. The Institute fosters leadership, innovation, and a lifetime of
learning by supporting the nation's 15,000 museums and 122,000 libraries.
The Institute also encourages partnerships to expand the educational benefit
of libraries and museums. To learn more about the Institute, please log

Eileen Maxwell

Public Affairs Specialist

Institute of Museum and Library Services

1100 Pennsylvania Ave., N.W.

Suite 510

Washington, DC  20506


202-606-8591 (fax)

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