Historical Publications Specialist

Office of the Clerk -

U. S. House of Representatives

Seeking an applicant to develop and maintain the official historical publications of the U. S. House of Representatives in both print and electronic form. Responsibilities include coordinating, conducting and monitoring historical surveys. Prepares information for historical publications, including editing and proofreading. Interested professionals should have strong organizational, oral and written communication skills, and be team oriented. Substantive knowledge of historical research theory and practice required. Bachelor's degree in History and a minimum of two years of historical research experience required. Master's degree preferred. Familiarity with Lexis/Nexis coupled with experience utilizing web sites and LIST/SERVS preferred. Comprehensive knowledge of the history of the United States and institutions and organizations of the Federal Government preferred. Salary: $54,432. Closing Date: October 31, 2003. Fax cover letter and resume to: Mr. Kenneth Kato, Office of History and Preservation, Office of the Clerk, U. S. House of Representatives, B-106 Cannon House Office Building, Washington, D.C. 20515, fax# (202) 226-5204. EOE.


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