Here at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles we offer individual loan
items, teaching trunks, and classroom collections. Our trunks and classroom
collections are pretty substantial with dozens of items in the trunks ($10
rental fee) and about 200 in each classroom collection ($800 rental fee--
classroom collections are designed to be borrowed for a full school year).
The trunks and collections are heavy on objects, many donated from museum
departments, and some donated by the public. A few books are included in
each. We have no tie-ins between gift shop and loan items or between school
visits and loan items.

>From: Amy West at Higgins Armory <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: Museum discussion list <[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: loan boxes/history kits
>Date: Wed, 3 Sep 2003 21:39:55 -0400
>I was given the task a long time ago to create a series of loan boxes for
>teachers to borrow for various grade levels and on various topics.
>I have been stumbling around in the dark, put one together, had some Pre-K
>teachers I know try it out, got their feedback, and have been revising,
>rearranging, etc.
>I was *so* happy when someone pointed out the ones that the Issaquah
>historical folks have. It was great to look at someone else's instead of
>continuing to  stumble and bumble in the dark.
>What I've realized was that my boxes are heavy on books, light on objects.
>Are everyone else's focused on objects? Part of that I think was I was
>shown the Educator's Library and told "go forth and create loan boxes."
>What do other places charge for borrowing their loan boxes?
>Our gift shop manager doesn't like the idea of me including books in the
>box -- they're either out of print or books that she carries I pointed out
>-- so I came up with the idea of including a coupon for a discount in the
>gift shop for teachers and she liked that. (She also pointed out that doing
>outreaches doesn't get warm bodies into the gift shop: she said a cigarette
>girl needs to go along with the outreach guy. :-) ) Does anyone else do
>this? How about a discount if you bring the class in for a tour after
>borrowing the box?
>--- Amy West
>Museum Educator
>Higgins Armory Museum
>100 Barber Ave.
>Worcester, MA 01606
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