Try this website: and look at Franklin Court, the site where Benjamin Franklin's house in Philadelphia stood:

"In the court itself once stood his house. What is known of the house is that it was 3 stories high, covered 33 feet square, and included 10 rooms. The house was razed in 1812. Because no historical records of the look of the exterior exist, the space once occupied by the house is marked by a wonderful, oversized "Ghost Structure" designed by world-famous architect Robert Venturi and built in 1976 for the bicentennial. You can look through portals to see into Franklin's privy pits, wells, and foundation. An extremely rare Bristol punchbowl and other ceramic artifacts were found in the privy pit."

For a view of the "Ghost Structure" and more information go to

Margaret Lyman, Collections Manager, Mutter Museum, Philadelphia, PA

>From: Julia Clark <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: Museum discussion list <[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: interpretation of vanished elements
>Date: Wed, 9 Jul 2003 16:44:50 +1000
>Hi everyone
>We have an extensive 19th century site that is comprised of open expanses of
>green lawn dotted with the ruins of a small number of the structures which
>once were here. In its heyday the site was a densely-settled,
>intensively-used place, including elements of prison, township and
>industrial complexes. Visitors today have access to a model of the site,
>which shows its former extent, to a slim guide book and to a short guided
>tour which attempts to fill in the gaps. Only about half our visitors take
>the tour.
>I am keen to hear from anyone who has used interpretive strategies other
>than signage (and tours, books and models in visitor centres) to alert
>visitors somehow to the structures which are now archaeological rather than
>Thanks for any help,
>Julia Clark
>Manager, Interpretation & Collections
>Port Arthur Historic Site
>Port Arthur 7182
>Ph: 03 6251 2334
>Fax: 03 6251 2322
>Mobile: 0419 412246
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