Careful, careful, there may be several permit and endangered species issues
involved here (CITES, etc.). Do you have documentation for when these
animals acquired and how they entered the U.S.? If these objects do not
belong to your museum, you might want to avoid getting involved in
disposing of this collection....

Diane Gutenkauf

On Mon, 14 Jul 2003 12:39:16 -0400, Hank Foreman <[log in to unmask]>

>Hi All,
>We have a patron who recently purchased a new vacation home here in the
>mountains of North Carolina.  The previous owners left everything in the
>house including approximately 30 preserved animal heads...most rare I
>believe...rhino, lion, etc.  This are free to a good home.  If you are
>interested, just contact me off-list and I will pass your info on to the

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