Hello Nancy,

Whoa!  Perhaps you missed the question that triggered this entire
thread?  [You can look back in the archive:
http://home.ease.lsoft.com/archives/museum-l.html.]  The question was
essentially, how do museums deal with breastfeeding mothers?  It's an
innocent, quite important question for museums to consider.

Evidently, you are not shy about stating your opinions.  To match, you
ought to be respectful and understanding when other people express their
opinions.  That's part of being a member of a list serve or e-community.


Jay Heuman
Visitor & Volunteer Services Coordinator @ Joslyn Art Museum
Soon to be relocating for different employment.  I'll remain on

  -----Original Message-----
  From: Museum discussion list [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
  On Behalf Of Nancy Worcester
  Sent: Sunday, June 29, 2003 1:01 pm
  To: [log in to unmask]

  I have just entered the discussion area.  This is my first experience
with a list and for the first time since I began on the internet 6 years
ago -- since joining this list yesterday -- I am opening personally
offensive emails that come straight to my inbox because I invited them
  You guys are writing about stuff I wouldn't waste a minute talking to
someone about.  Isn't there a breast feeding or repressed sexuality list
you could join?  I repeat, go European guy (or gal)!

  I joined this list because I thought it was about museums, culture,
education, history, conservation of greatness and international