I would appreciate hearing from colleges who have created curriculum
guides that accompany theater programs in schools.   My institution is
currently evaluating our existing curriculum guides for our resident
theater company.  Typically, we have created one guide per touring show to
help teachers incorporate the language and themes of our productions into
their curriculums with sample exercises.  Now, we are preparing new  units
for next season's shows.   If any of you are in the process of creating or
have created these materials, or have sample guides you would like to
share,  all thoughts and  materials are welcome.

Also, we are still interested in building a sample library of family and
school activity guides for historical exhibitions at other
institutions.      These guides will be used to help children and
families  navigate through our exhibitions together.    We have received a
handful of sample guides from other institutions, however I will gladly
accept more.

Thanks in advance for all of your help!!

Dottie Miles
Education, Missouri Historical Society
P.O. Box 11940
St. Louis, MO 63112
[log in to unmask]
f. 314/454.3189

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