Hello listers --

For late 2005, our museum is developing an exhibition of artworks, both
historical and contemporary, made from unconventional materials.  My growing
file includes artists working in marshmallows, gut, popsicle sticks, pollen,
tofu, credit cards, chewing gum, dust, aluminum foil, toothpicks, bottle
caps, lard, tools, bones, pharmaceuticals, and all sorts of other
interesting media.  (And yes, this exhibition will probably be known,
internally at least, as A Registrar's Nightmare!)

Most of what I've found initially has been through contemporary dealers.
But I want to tap museums too, and  I'd love to hear from any of you who
have something really odd and wonderful in your collection.  We are a museum
of fine arts, thus I'm not looking so much for strange historical or
cultural artifacts as for works that incorporate unusual materials.

Can't wait to be surprised by what you have . . . thanks for your help!
Feel free to reply off-list.

Marie Via, Curator of Exhibitions
Memorial Art Gallery
500 University Avenue
Rochester, NY  14607
Phone: 585.473.7720, x3012
Fax:  585.473.6266

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