When I was preparing to teach a pressed flower workshop, I used the online
descriptions of homemade flower presses at:


The first of these, www.pressed-flowers.com, belongs to Kate Chu who is a
fabulous pressed flower artist and teacher. I’d recommend her website to
anyone interested in pressed flowers.

Also, if you’re interested in homemade flower presses for the microwave,
there’s one description at:

This might be irrelevant to children (or highly relevant to an educator
working in a museum!) but many pressed flower artists discourage the use of
regular copy paper for pressing flowers, because of the acidity of the paper.
On the other hand, others use regular paper, phone books, paper towels and
toilet tissue and say they see no problems that might be attributed to
acidity! Just thought I’d toss that in.
> Does anyone have a good source (or instructions for making) inexpensive
> flower/plant presses? We are thinking of pressing flowers with our summer
> campers and would love to be able to send them home with their very own
> press.
> Robin
> ----------
> Robin H. Gabriel
> Director of Education
> Monticello
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