I am trying to find the above, and much to my surprise it is not easy.
There are plenty of unenclosed carts which allow cables to trail all over
the place.  The goal is of course to hide as much of the guts of the exhibit
as possible, power/network aside.  It should not be difficult to ventilate
the enclosure enough to run a tower inside.  How do you deal with this?  Do
you make your own, or have them made?  Does ANYONE sell something that meets
your design criteria and visitor-proof standards?  Most important, what does
it cost?

Andrew Sternick
Experience System Administrator
221 Fourth St., San Francisco, CA  94103
415-820-3358 Tel
415-777-2851 Fax
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> Now in Zeum's Main Gallery:
> WordUP!...express yourself at ZEUM
> - Create Poetry in Motion
> - Be Your Own Bookmaker
> - Make Glow-in-the-Dark Graffiti
> - Form a Human Alphabet
> - Bring Your Stories to Life
> Experience Zeum's creative adventures in the world of language and words!

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