Museum business plans are extremely focused and unique to each
organization. The process and ultimate document depends on your status,
mission, goals and how you may want to quantify and qualify benchmarks
to success.  If your leadership is interested in developing a business
plan, please contact us off line.  We have assisted many museum staff
and boards with these important documents.  You can't just borrow from
another insitution.  All good wishes, Cheers!  Geri Thomas

Geri Thomas, President
Thomas & Associates, Inc.

-----Original Message-----
From: Museum discussion list [mailto:[log in to unmask]] On
Behalf Of Automatic digest processor
Sent: Thursday, March 06, 2003 12:03 AM
To: Recipients of MUSEUM-L digests
Subject: MUSEUM-L Digest - 4 Mar 2003 to 5 Mar 2003 (#2003-62)

There are 31 messages totalling 2507 lines in this issue.

Topics of the day:

  1. Business plan
  2. business plan
  3. Job Posting
  4. RFP for NYCMER
  5. IBM computer monitors G51 and G51 manufactured in 1997 recalled by
  6. Resources--Developing a Business Plan
  7. IT staff in museums (7)
  9. Seminar: Designing for Conservation
 10. Reproduction Rights
 11. Farmhouse/Store Museum (6)
 12. Museum Conference in Albany, NY
 13. Living History "Experts" Needed for Mag. Article
 14. Educational Materials for Drawing Exhibitions
 15. Masters in Museum Studies vs. MBA
 16. Informal learning objectives
 17. position-Development Assistant - Illinois
 18. Learning styles in museums (2)
 19. traders cabin

Important Subscriber Information:

The Museum-L FAQ file is located at . You may obtain detailed
information about the listserv commands by sending a one line e-mail
message to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should
read "help" (without the quotes).

If you decide to leave Museum-L, please send a one line e-mail message
to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should read
"Signoff Museum-L" (without the quotes).


Date:    Tue, 4 Mar 2003 19:38:08 -0700
From:    John Martinson <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Re: Business plan

I would also like to see it.  Thanks


----- Original Message -----
From: "Elizabeth Moore" <[log in to unmask]>
To: <[log in to unmask]>
Sent: Tuesday, March 04, 2003 7:19 AM
Subject: Re: Business plan

> I would love to see this as well as we are working on a business plan
> and
> would love to see another as a model.
> Elizabeth
> ----- Original Message -----
> From: "Julie Holcomb" <[log in to unmask]>
> To: <[log in to unmask]>
> Sent: Monday, March 03, 2003 12:47 PM
> Subject: Business plan
> > I'm hoping someone can help me with this last minute request.  Would

> > anyone have a sample business plan for a museum they would be
> > willing to share?  I need to counter some turf grabbing and my next
> > opportunity to do so is Wednesday.  I found one example on the web
> > but have had no luck finding anything else.  I'm particularly
> > interested in plans that include archives and libraries as well as a

> > museum.  Thanks in advance. Julie Holcomb
> >
> > --
> > Julie Holcomb, MLIS, CA
> > College and Special Collections Archivist
> > Pearce Civil War Collection
> > Pearce Western Art Collection
> > Navarro College, 3200 W. 7th Ave., Corsicana, Texas 75110
> >
> > Phone: 903-875-7438
> > Fax: 903-875-7449
> > E-mail: [log in to unmask]
> >
> > Internet:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > "History does not refer merely, or even principally, to the past.
> > On the contrary, the great force of history comes from the fact that

> > we carry it within us, are unconsciously
> > controlled by it in many ways, and history is literally present in
> > that we do." James
> > Baldwin
> >
> > =========================================================
> > Important Subscriber Information:
> >
> > The Museum-L FAQ file is located at
> . You may obtain detailed
> information about the listserv commands by sending a one line e-mail
> to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should read
> (without the quotes).
> >
> > If you decide to leave Museum-L, please send a one line e-mail
> > message
> [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should read
> Museum-L" (without the quotes).
> >
> >
> =========================================================
> Important Subscriber Information:
> The Museum-L FAQ file is located at . You may obtain detailed
information about the listserv commands by sending a one line e-mail
message to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should
read "help" (without the quotes).
> If you decide to leave Museum-L, please send a one line e-mail message

> to
[log in to unmask] . The body of the message should read
"Signoff Museum-L" (without the quotes).

Important Subscriber Information:

The Museum-L FAQ file is located at . You may obtain detailed
information about the listserv commands by sending a one line e-mail
message to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should
read "help" (without the quotes).

If you decide to leave Museum-L, please send a one line e-mail message
to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should read
"Signoff Museum-L" (without the quotes).


Date:    Wed, 5 Mar 2003 09:04:04 -0500
From:    Bonni-Dara Michaels <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: business plan

I would also appreciate seeing these.

Bonni-Dara Michaels
Collections Curator
Yeshiva University Museum
15 West 16th Street
New York, New York 10011
Tel: 212-294-8330 x 8815

Important Subscriber Information:

The Museum-L FAQ file is located at . You may obtain detailed
information about the listserv commands by sending a one line e-mail
message to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should
read "help" (without the quotes).

If you decide to leave Museum-L, please send a one line e-mail message
to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should read
"Signoff Museum-L" (without the quotes).


Date:    Wed, 5 Mar 2003 09:15:18 -0500
From:    Beth Gibson <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Job Posting

Museum Exhibit Design Firm Seeks Content Development Assistant

Amaze Design is a nationally recognized museum exhibit design firm. We
seek a contract-based team member to support content development for
historical, cultural, and scientific museum exhibits.

Qualified candidates will have one to two years experience in research
and content management and will assist us in gathering, coordinating,
documenting, and reviewing exhibit content in all phases of museum
exhibit design, from concept to graphic production. The position
requires the ability to coordinate between many team members (designers,
developers, writers, managers, contract researchers, etc.), to be
self-directed and tenacious in research, and to document ideas and
findings thoroughly. A degree in history, public history, anthropology,
education, the sciences, art history, museum studies or a related field
preferred. Excellent verbal and written skills, organizational skills,
familiarity with software (Microsoft Office, Filemaker Pro, Quark
Express, Adobe Photoshop) required. Bring an interest in many subjects,
a dedication to detail and documentation, and the desire to be part of a
dynamic and fun design team.

Hours are flexible. Please no phone calls.

Please send resumes and a letter of interest to:

[log in to unmask]


Amaze Design
77 North Washington St.
Boston, MA 02114

Important Subscriber Information:

The Museum-L FAQ file is located at . You may obtain detailed
information about the listserv commands by sending a one line e-mail
message to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should
read "help" (without the quotes).

If you decide to leave Museum-L, please send a one line e-mail message
to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should read
"Signoff Museum-L" (without the quotes).


Date:    Wed, 5 Mar 2003 10:22:46 -0500
From:    Jennifer Dursi <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: RFP for NYCMER

<META http-equiv=Content-Type content="text/html; charset=windows-1251">
<META content="MSHTML 6.00.2600.0" name=GENERATOR></HEAD> <BODY>
<P><FONT face="MS Sans Serif" size=2> <DIV><FONT size=3> <DIR>
<DIR><B><FONT size=4> <P align=center>Please do not send proposals to
this email address, contact information is listed at the end of this
email.</P> <P align=center>&nbsp;</P> <P align=center>CALL FOR
PROPOSALS</P></FONT> <P align=center>The 8<SUP>th</SUP> Annual NYCMER
Conference: </P><I> <P align=center>Expanding our Boundaries:
Strengthening through Exchange</P></I> <P>June 2003</P></B> <P>The New
York City Museum Educators Roundtable (NYCMER) is a network of
individuals and organizations dedicated to providing a forum for museum
education professionals to address issues of museum and educational
interest, exchange and disseminate relevant information, and to explore
and implement cooperative programming opportunities through roundtable
discussions, workshops, seminars, symposia, professional development
series and conferences. </P> <P>The NYCMER annual conference,
<I>Expanding our Boundaries: Strengthening through Exchange,</I> seeks
to foster a dialogue for community exchange through the consideration of
current practice and the means to cultivate individual and
organizational growth. </P> <P>The New York metro area offers a plethora
of community resources and tools. In these times, their application and
reevaluation has come to play an essential role in the sustainability
and vitality of cultural institutions and other related organizations.
In utilizing these we serve to extend our communication, enrich
initiatives and further enable common goals.</P> <P>Themes to be
addressed at the annual conference include: </P></DIR></DIR> <UL>
<LI>design for accessibility</LI> <LI>evaluation</LI> <LI>exhibit and
program development</LI> <LI>funding</LI> <LI>public relations and
marketing</LI> <LI>staffing</LI> <LI>technology</LI></UL> <DIR> <DIR>
<P>Hands-on workshop sessions and panel presentations will provide
professionals at all stages of their career with relevant
applications.</P> <P>We strongly encourage professionals from outside
the museum field to submit proposals. </P><B></B><U> <P>Guidelines for
workshop &amp; panel sessions:</P></DIR></DIR> <UL></U> <LI>Workshop and
panel sessions are to be approximately 1½ hours long. </LI> <LI>Handouts
for up to 50 participants should be available. </LI> <LI>Panel sessions
are to be held in the morning. Panels may include debates, discussions
and/or a show and tell format. </LI> <LI>Workshop sessions are to be
held in the afternoon. Workshops are intended to provide interactive and
hands-on experiences focused on practice and process. Demonstrations,
logistics, budgetary concerns, methodology and materials may be
considered. Brainstorming sessions, construction projects, co-operative
group work, game play and writing exercises may be included.
</LI></UL></FONT><I><FONT face=Arial size=3>
<P>&nbsp;</P></I></FONT><FONT size=3> <P>Core conference themes include
design for accessibility, evaluation, exhibit and program development,
funding, public relations and marketing, staffing, and technology.
Please refer to the following theme-related descriptions when preparing
your proposal. </P><U> <P>Design for Accessibility</P></U></FONT><FONT
size=2> <P>A range of strategies and practices are currently employed in
the pursuit of universal access to public programs and/or physical
spaces. Workshop and panel sessions should consider the value of insight
from specific communities and their role in the design
process.</P></FONT><U><FONT size=3> <P>Evaluation</P></U></FONT><FONT
size=2> <P>Evaluation fortifies the educational mission of our
exhibitions and programs by providing useful feedback and information to
sponsors, donors, staff and other related constituencies. Workshop and
panel sessions should address how to effectively use available tools and
community resources, as well as the creative and practical application
of findings. </P></FONT><U><FONT size=3> <P>Exhibit and Program
Development </P></U></FONT><FONT size=2> <P>Exhibits and programs
provide a focal point from which museums create a dialogue with the
public. Workshop and panel sessions may address such topics as new
methods of interpreting exhibit or program content, ways of including
more voices in content development, or perceived challenges and issues
faced in creating exhibit or program content.</P></FONT><FONT
face="Courier,Courier New" size=2></FONT><U><FONT size=3> <P>Funding
</P></U></FONT><FONT size=2> <P>Creative use of internal and external
resources is an inherent part of exhibit and public program development.
Current economic conditions demand that education professionals explore
unique and untapped areas in order to meet goals, especially financial
goals. Workshop and panel sessions should examine potential resources
and/or detail the steps involved in the process.</P></FONT><U><FONT
size=3> <P>Public Relations and Marketing</P></U></FONT><FONT size=2>
<P>Without question, public relations and marketing are a key factor in
audience development and increased attendance. The more effective these
departments, the greater support educators can offer the community.
Workshop and panel sessions should examine the means for successfully
marketing educational programs and new exhibits. Appropriate roles,
responsibilities and systems for inter-departmental collaboration should
be considered. </P></FONT><U><FONT size=3> <P>Staffing
</P></U></FONT><FONT size=2> <P>The professional museum community
possesses varied skills, experiences and interests, just as
institutional needs vary in their cohesion and diversity. Workshop and
panel sessions should address the challenge inherent in framing various
staffing models designed to meet individual needs for growth and
institutional needs for development and change. </P></FONT><U><FONT
size=3> <P>Technology</P></U></FONT><FONT size=2> <P>Technology training
is an integral part of our communication, research and interaction with
the community on a global scale. For some, it has also come to play a
central role in our daily operation, public relations and a creative
expression of ideas. Workshop and panel sessions should address the way
in which technology has come to serve as the means for achieving any or
all of these goals and the</FONT><FONT size=3> </FONT><FONT
size=2>employment of this modern tool for meeting institutional
needs.</P></FONT><FONT size=3> <P>&nbsp;</P> <P>Please complete the
following form and attach additional pages as needed.</P></FONT> <P
align=center> <CENTER> <TABLE borderColor=#000000 cellSpacing=1
cellPadding=7 width=615 border=1> <TBODY> <TR> <TD vAlign=top
width="40%"><FONT size=3> <P>Primary contact / Title</P></FONT></TD> <TD
vAlign=top width="60%">&nbsp;</TD></TR> <TR> <TD vAlign=top
width="40%"><FONT size=3> <P>&nbsp;</P> <P>Organization/Affiliation</P>
<P>Mailing address </P> <P>&nbsp;</P> <P></FONT>&nbsp;</P></TD> <TD
vAlign=top width="60%">&nbsp;</TD></TR> <TR> <TD vAlign=top
width="40%"><FONT size=3> <P>&nbsp;</P> <P>E-mail
address</P></FONT></TD> <TD vAlign=top width="60%">&nbsp;</TD></TR> <TR>
<TD vAlign=top width="40%"><FONT size=3> <P>&nbsp;</P> <P>Phone No./Fax
No.</P></FONT></TD> <TD vAlign=top width="60%">&nbsp;</TD></TR> <TR> <TD
vAlign=top width="40%"><FONT size=3> <P>&nbsp;</P> <P>Best hrs. to reach
you</P></FONT></TD> <TD vAlign=top width="60%">&nbsp;</TD></TR> <TR> <TD
vAlign=top width="40%"><FONT size=3> <P>&nbsp;</P> <P>Have you
previously presented? If so, where?</P></FONT></TD> <TD vAlign=top
width="60%">&nbsp;</TD></TR> <TR> <TD vAlign=top width="40%"><FONT
size=3> <P>&nbsp;</P> <P>Session format </P> <P>(circle
one)</P></FONT></TD> <TD vAlign=top width="60%"><FONT size=3>
<P>&nbsp;</P> <P>Workshop </P> <P></P> <P>Panel </FONT></P></TD></TR>
<TR> <TD vAlign=top width="40%"><FONT size=3> <P>Presentation theme </P>
<P>(circle one)</FONT></P></TD> <TD vAlign=top width="60%"><FONT size=3>
<UL> <LI>Design for accessibility</LI> <LI>Evaluation</LI> <LI>Exhibit
&amp; program development</LI> <LI>Funding</LI> <LI>Public Relations and
Marketing</LI></UL> <UL> <LI>Staffing</LI></UL> <UL> <LI>Technology
</LI></UL></FONT></TD></TR> <TR> <TD vAlign=top width="40%"><FONT
size=3> <P>Professional level of session</FONT></P></TD> <TD vAlign=top
width="60%"><FONT size=3> <P>Beginning </P> <P></P>
<TD vAlign=top colSpan=2><FONT size=3>
<P>Session title (Please use descriptive terms.)</P>
<P></P><B><FONT size=3>
<P align=center>&nbsp;</P></B>
<P align=center>&nbsp;</P></FONT>
<P align=center>
<TABLE borderColor=#000000 cellSpacing=1 cellPadding=7 width=615
border=1> <TBODY> <TR> <TD vAlign=top><FONT size=3> <P>&nbsp;</P>
<P>Briefly describe the content to be explored &amp; its relationship to
the conference theme.</P> <P>&nbsp;</P> <P>&nbsp;</P> <P>&nbsp;</P>
<P>&nbsp;</P> <P>&nbsp;</P> <P>&nbsp;</P> <P></FONT>&nbsp;</P></TD></TR>
<TR> <TD vAlign=top><FONT size=3> <P>&nbsp;</P> <P>For workshops, how
will conference attendees participate?</P> <P>&nbsp;</P> <P>&nbsp;</P>
<P>&nbsp;</P> <P>&nbsp;</P> <P>&nbsp;</P> <P>&nbsp;</P> <P>&nbsp;</P>
<P></FONT>&nbsp;</P></TD></TR> <TR> <TD vAlign=top><FONT size=3>
<P>&nbsp;</P> <P>List names, titles &amp; affiliations of co-presenters.
If the primary contact is not the moderator, please circle the name of
the co-presenter who will be acting in this capacity. A total of no more
than 4 presenters are permitted including the primary contact.</P> <OL>
<LI></LI> <LI></LI> <LI></LI></OL></FONT></TD></TR> <TR> <TD
vAlign=top><FONT size=3> <P>Please describe the role and contribution of
co-presenters.</P> <P>&nbsp;</P> <P>&nbsp;</P> <P>&nbsp;</P>
<P>&nbsp;</P> <P>&nbsp;</P> <P>&nbsp;</P> <P></FONT>&nbsp;</P></TD></TR>
<TR> <TD vAlign=top><FONT size=3> <P>&nbsp;</P> <P>Equipment needs<B>*
</B>(circle one.) VCR/TV Overhead
<P></P><FONT size=2>
<P>*Equipment Needs: Limited VCRs, TVs and overhead projectors will be
available in presentation rooms, allocated on a first-come, first-basis
as proposals are received. Chalkboards or easel paper/magic marker will
be provided. Presenters must provide all other equipment. Presentations
utilizing the Internet should download local versions of web
pages.</P></FONT></DIV> <DIV>&nbsp;</DIV> <DIV> <DIV><FONT size=2>
<P>Proposals should be submitted via mail or facsimile only by Friday,
March 21, 2003 along with presenters’ bios of no more than 25 words to:
Sony Wonder Technology Lab, Attn.: Laura Joseph, Program Manager, 550
Madison Avenue Annex, 4<SUP>th</SUP> Floor, New York, NY 10022. Ph:
212/833-7895 / Fax: 212/833-4445. </P> <P>Please do not forward
submissions via email. Questions may be sent to
[log in to unmask]</P></FONT><A
href="mailto:[log in to unmask]"></A></DIV></DIV>
Important Subscriber Information:
The Museum-L FAQ file is located at . You may obtain detailed
information about the listserv commands by sending a one line e-mail
message to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should
read "help" (without the quotes). <p> If you decide to leave Museum-L,
please send a one line e-mail message to [log in to unmask] .
The body of the message should read "Signoff Museum-L" (without the


Date:    Wed, 5 Mar 2003 10:25:05 -0500
From:    Steve Eichner <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: IBM computer monitors G51 and G51 manufactured in 1997 recalled

(Apologies to those receiving multiple copies through cross-posting).

For folks working with technology, either on their desktops or on the
exhibit floor, you may want to be aware of yesterday's announcement.

The US Consumer Product Safety Commission and IBM announced the recall
of IBM CRT computer monitors (G51 and G51 Touch Screen series)
manufactured between June and September 1997.

Model numbers (found on the back of the units) include 6541-02N,
6541-02E, 6541-02S, 6541-Q0N, 6541-Q0E, and 6541-Q0S.

For additional information, see


"What is essential is invisible to the eye." - The Little Prince's fox
Steven Eichner
[log in to unmask]
ph: 703.591.8911

Important Subscriber Information:

The Museum-L FAQ file is located at . You may obtain detailed
information about the listserv commands by sending a one line e-mail
message to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should
read "help" (without the quotes).

If you decide to leave Museum-L, please send a one line e-mail message
to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should read
"Signoff Museum-L" (without the quotes).


Date:    Wed, 5 Mar 2003 09:12:24 -0700
From:    John Martinson <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Resources--Developing a Business Plan

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Check out:,4507,109,00.html  =
(this site has samples and temp-plates)

Also, check with your local Small Business Administration (SBA) [See: =], which has classes and information on business plans.   If
you are a veteran, check with your Veteran's Administration, which =
sometimes works with SBA.  I attended a workshop the local VA sponsored
on this subject.   Check with local community colleges.  Your local =
banks would have information on small business loans, etc. =20


John Martinson

Important Subscriber Information:

The Museum-L FAQ file is located at . You may obtain detailed
information about the listserv commands by sending a one line e-mail
message to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should
read "help" (without the quotes).

If you decide to leave Museum-L, please send a one line e-mail message
to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should read
"Signoff Museum-L" (without the quotes).

Content-Type: text/html;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<HTML><HEAD> <META http-equiv=3DContent-Type content=3D"text/html; =
charset=3Diso-8859-1"> <META content=3D"MSHTML 6.00.2723.2500"
name=3DGENERATOR> <STYLE></STYLE> </HEAD> <BODY bgColor=3D#ffffff>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Check out: </FONT><FONT face=3DArial =
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2><A=20
(this site has samples and temp-plates)</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Also, check with your local Small =
Business=20 Administration (SBA) [See: <A =
href=3D""></A>], which=20 has classes and
information on business plans.&nbsp;&nbsp; If you are a = veteran,=20
check with your Veteran's Administration, which </FONT><FONT =
face=3DArial=20 size=3D2>sometimes works with SBA.&nbsp; I attended a
workshop the local = VA=20 sponsored on this subject.&nbsp;&nbsp; Check
with local community=20 colleges.&nbsp; Your local banks would have
information on small = business loans,=20 etc.&nbsp; </FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV> <DIV><FONT
face=3DArial size=3D2>Best,</FONT></DIV> <DIV><FONT face=3DArial
size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV> <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>John =
Important Subscriber Information:
The Museum-L FAQ file is located at . You may obtain detailed
information about the listserv commands by sending a one line e-mail
message to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should
read "help" (without the quotes). <p> If you decide to leave Museum-L,
please send a one line e-mail message to [log in to unmask] .
The body of the message should read "Signoff Museum-L" (without the



Date:    Wed, 5 Mar 2003 11:20:01 -0500
From:    Beth Parker Miller <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: IT staff in museums

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

I am interested in identifying museums in the =
Philadelphia-Baltimore-Washington, D.C. area that have IT =
staff/departments.  What duties do these people have within their =
institutions in terms of overall planning/administration as well as tech
= support?  Who would I contact to find out more?=20

Please reply on or off list.  Thank you!

Beth Parker Miller
Hagley Museum and Library
[log in to unmask]

Important Subscriber Information:

The Museum-L FAQ file is located at . You may obtain detailed
information about the listserv commands by sending a one line e-mail
message to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should
read "help" (without the quotes).

If you decide to leave Museum-L, please send a one line e-mail message
to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should read
"Signoff Museum-L" (without the quotes).

Content-Type: text/html;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<HTML><HEAD> <META content=3D"text/html; charset=3Diso-8859-1" =
http-equiv=3DContent-Type> <META content=3D"MSHTML 5.00.3502.5390"
name=3DGENERATOR> <STYLE></STYLE> </HEAD> <BODY bgColor=3D#ffffff>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>I am interested in identifying museums
= in the=20 Philadelphia-Baltimore-Washington, D.C. area that have IT=20
staff/departments.&nbsp; What duties do these people have within
their=20 institutions in terms of overall planning/administration as
well as tech =

support?&nbsp; Who would I contact to find out more?&nbsp;</FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV> <DIV><FONT
face=3DArial size=3D2>Please reply on or off list.&nbsp; = Thank=20
you!</FONT></DIV> <DIV>&nbsp;</DIV> <DIV><FONT face=3DArial
size=3D2>Beth Parker Miller</FONT></DIV> <DIV><FONT face=3DArial
size=3D2>Hagley Museum and Library</FONT></DIV> <DIV><FONT face=3DArial
href=3D"mailto:[log in to unmask]">[log in to unmask]</A></FONT></DIV></BODY></HTML>
Important Subscriber Information:
The Museum-L FAQ file is located at . You may obtain detailed
information about the listserv commands by sending a one line e-mail
message to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should
read "help" (without the quotes). <p> If you decide to leave Museum-L,
please send a one line e-mail message to [log in to unmask] .
The body of the message should read "Signoff Museum-L" (without the



Date:    Wed, 5 Mar 2003 11:48:51 -0500
From:    Jennifer Jones <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Re: IT staff in museums

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Please reply on-list. The Maryland Historical Society is currently
trying to decide whether to move from a contracted outside IT company to
an IT person onstaff.  Thank you! =20 Jennifer Jones Acting Deputy
Director for Education Maryland Historical Society 201 W. Monument
Street Baltimore, MD 21201 410-685-3750 x375 [log in to unmask]

 iginal Message-----
From: Beth Parker Miller [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2003 11:20 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: IT staff in museums

I am interested in identifying museums in the
Philadelphia-Baltimore-Washington, D.C. area that have IT
staff/departments.  What duties do these people have within their
institutions in terms of overall planning/administration as well as tech
support?  Who would I contact to find out more?=20 =20 Please reply on
or off list.  Thank you! =20 Beth Parker Miller Hagley Museum and
Library [log in to unmask]
=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D Important
Subscriber Information:=20

The Museum-L FAQ file is located at . You may obtain detailed
information about the listserv commands by sending a one line e-mail
message to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should
read "help" (without the quotes).=20

If you decide to leave Museum-L, please send a one line e-mail message
to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should read
"Signoff Museum-L" (without the quotes).=20

Important Subscriber Information:

The Museum-L FAQ file is located at . You may obtain detailed
information about the listserv commands by sending a one line e-mail
message to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should
read "help" (without the quotes).

If you decide to leave Museum-L, please send a one line e-mail message
to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should read
"Signoff Museum-L" (without the quotes).

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<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<HTML><HEAD> <META HTTP-EQUIV=3D"Content-Type" CONTENT=3D"text/html; =

<META content=3D"MSHTML 6.00.2800.1106" name=3DGENERATOR>
<STYLE></STYLE> </HEAD> <BODY bgColor=3D#ffffff> <DIV><SPAN
class=3D981164616-05032003><FONT face=3DArial color=3D#0000ff =
size=3D2>Please=20 reply on-list.&nbsp;The Maryland Historical Society
is currently trying = to=20 decide&nbsp;whether to move from a
contracted outside IT company to an = IT person=20 onstaff.&nbsp; Thank
you!</FONT></SPAN></DIV> <DIV><SPAN class=3D981164616-05032003><FONT
face=3DArial color=3D#0000ff =

<DIV><SPAN class=3D981164616-05032003><FONT face=3DArial color=3D#0000ff

size=3D2>Jennifer Jones</FONT></SPAN></DIV>
<DIV><SPAN class=3D981164616-05032003><FONT face=3DArial color=3D#0000ff
= size=3D2>Acting=20 Deputy Director for Education</FONT></SPAN></DIV>
<DIV><SPAN class=3D981164616-05032003><FONT face=3DArial color=3D#0000ff

size=3D2>Maryland Historical Society</FONT></SPAN></DIV> <DIV><SPAN
class=3D981164616-05032003><FONT face=3DArial color=3D#0000ff =
size=3D2>201 W.=20 Monument Street</FONT></SPAN></DIV> <DIV><SPAN
class=3D981164616-05032003><FONT face=3DArial color=3D#0000ff =

size=3D2>Baltimore, MD 21201</FONT></SPAN></DIV>
<DIV><SPAN class=3D981164616-05032003><FONT face=3DArial color=3D#0000ff

size=3D2>410-685-3750 x375</FONT></SPAN></DIV>
<DIV><SPAN class=3D981164616-05032003><FONT face=3DArial color=3D#0000ff

size=3D2>[log in to unmask]</FONT></SPAN></DIV>
<DIV><SPAN class=3D981164616-05032003></SPAN><FONT face=3DTahoma><FONT =
face=3DArial=20 color=3D#0000ff size=3D2></FONT><BR><FONT
size=3D2><SPAN=20 class=3D981164616-05032003><FONT face=3DArial=20
color=3D#0000ff>&nbsp;</FONT></SPAN>iginal Message-----<BR><B>From:</B>
= Beth=20 Parker Miller [mailto:[log in to unmask]]<BR><B>Sent:</B> Wednesday,
March 05, = 2003=20 11:20 AM<BR><B>To:</B>
[log in to unmask]<BR><B>Subject:</B> = IT staff=20 in
<BLOCKQUOTE dir=3Dltr style=3D"MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px">
  <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>I am interested in identifying =
museums in the=20
  Philadelphia-Baltimore-Washington, D.C. area that have IT=20
  staff/departments.&nbsp; What duties do these people have within their

  institutions in terms of overall planning/administration as well as =
  support?&nbsp; Who would I contact to find out =
  <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
  <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Please reply on or off list.&nbsp; =
  <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Beth Parker Miller</FONT></DIV>
  <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2>Hagley Museum and =
  <DIV><FONT face=3DArial size=3D2><A=20
href=3D"mailto:[log in to unmask]">[log in to unmask]</A></FONT></DIV>=3D=3D=3D=3D=3
  Important Subscriber Information:=20
  <P>The Museum-L FAQ file is located at=20 . You may obtain detailed=20
  information about the listserv commands by sending a one line e-mail =
  to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should read
= "help"=20
  (without the quotes).=20
  <P>If you decide to leave Museum-L, please send a one line e-mail =
message to=20
  [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should read =
  Museum-L" (without the quotes). </P></BLOCKQUOTE></BODY></HTML>
Important Subscriber Information:
The Museum-L FAQ file is located at . You may obtain detailed
information about the listserv commands by sending a one line e-mail
message to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should
read "help" (without the quotes). <p> If you decide to leave Museum-L,
please send a one line e-mail message to [log in to unmask] .
The body of the message should read "Signoff Museum-L" (without the



Date:    Wed, 5 Mar 2003 11:55:59 -0500
From:    Leonard Steinbach <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Re: IT staff in museums

This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not
understand this format, some or all of this message may not be legible.

Content-Type: text/plain;

You may want to check out MCN (Museum Computer Network)
<> for a wealth of info.

Also, you should join their mcn-l list where you are most likely to
engage hundreds of museum professional involved in all areas of
technology and technology management.

Len Steinbach
Cleveland Museum of Art

-----Original Message-----
From: Beth Parker Miller [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2003 11:20 AM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: IT staff in museums

I am interested in identifying museums in the
Philadelphia-Baltimore-Washington, D.C. area that have IT
staff/departments. What duties do these people have within their
institutions in terms of overall planning/administration as well as tech
support?  Who would I contact to find out more?

Please reply on or off list.  Thank you!

Beth Parker Miller
Hagley Museum and Library
[log in to unmask] <mailto:[log in to unmask]>
========================================================= Important
Subscriber Information:

The Museum-L FAQ file is located at . You may obtain detailed
information about the listserv commands by sending a one line e-mail
message to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should
read "help" (without the quotes).

If you decide to leave Museum-L, please send a one line e-mail message
to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should read
"Signoff Museum-L" (without the quotes).

Important Subscriber Information:

The Museum-L FAQ file is located at . You may obtain detailed
information about the listserv commands by sending a one line e-mail
message to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should
read "help" (without the quotes).

If you decide to leave Museum-L, please send a one line e-mail message
to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should read
"Signoff Museum-L" (without the quotes).

Content-Type: text/html;

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<HTML><HEAD> <META HTTP-EQUIV="Content-Type" CONTENT="text/html;

<META content="MSHTML 5.50.4522.1800" name=GENERATOR> <STYLE></STYLE>
</HEAD> <BODY bgColor=#ffffff> <DIV> <DIV><SPAN
class=350215016-05032003><FONT face=Arial><FONT size=2><SPAN
class=840405316-05032003>You may want to check out </SPAN>MCN<SPAN
class=840405316-05032003> (Museum Computer Network)</SPAN>&nbsp;
</FONT></FONT><A href=""><FONT face=Arial
size=2></FONT></A><FONT face=Arial size=2> for a wealth of
info.</FONT></SPAN></DIV> <DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2><SPAN
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2><SPAN class=350215016-05032003>Also, you
should join their mcn-l list where you are most likely to engage
hundreds of museum professional involved in all areas of technology and
technology management.</SPAN></FONT></DIV> <DIV><FONT face=Arial
size=2><SPAN class=350215016-05032003></SPAN></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2><SPAN class=350215016-05032003><SPAN
class=840405316-05032003>Len Steinbach</SPAN></SPAN></FONT></DIV>
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2><SPAN class=350215016-05032003><SPAN
<DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2><SPAN class=350215016-05032003><SPAN
class=840405316-05032003>Cleveland Museum of
<BLOCKQUOTE dir=ltr style="MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px">
  <DIV class=OutlookMessageHeader dir=ltr align=left><FONT face=Tahoma
  size=2>-----Original Message-----<BR><B>From:</B> Beth Parker Miller
  [mailto:[log in to unmask]]<BR><B>Sent:</B> Wednesday, March 05, 2003 11:20
  AM<BR><B>To:</B> [log in to unmask]<BR><B>Subject:</B> IT
staff in
  <DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2>I am interested in identifying museums in
  Philadelphia-Baltimore-Washington, D.C. area that have IT
  staff/departments.&nbsp; What duties do these people have within their
  institutions in terms of overall planning/administration as well as
  support?&nbsp; Who would I contact to find out
  <DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2></FONT>&nbsp;</DIV>
  <DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2>Please reply on or off list.&nbsp; Thank
  <DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2>Beth Parker Miller</FONT></DIV>
  <DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2>Hagley Museum and Library</FONT></DIV>
  <DIV><FONT face=Arial size=2><A

href="mailto:[log in to unmask]">[log in to unmask]</A></FONT></DIV>================
  Important Subscriber Information:
  <P>The Museum-L FAQ file is located at . You may obtain detailed
  information about the listserv commands by sending a one line e-mail
  to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should read
  (without the quotes).
  <P>If you decide to leave Museum-L, please send a one line e-mail
message to
  [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should read
  Museum-L" (without the quotes). </P></BLOCKQUOTE></BODY></HTML>
Important Subscriber Information:
The Museum-L FAQ file is located at . You may obtain detailed
information about the listserv commands by sending a one line e-mail
message to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should
read "help" (without the quotes). <p> If you decide to leave Museum-L,
please send a one line e-mail message to [log in to unmask] .
The body of the message should read "Signoff Museum-L" (without the



Date:    Wed, 5 Mar 2003 13:33:58 -0000
From:    "Ian Johnson (absimj)" <[log in to unmask]>

Three exciting new positions are currently being filled by the Aberdeen
= Business School, part of the Robert Gordon University in Aberdeen, =
Scotland.  We are looking for academics with a strong track record or =
significant potential in research in:
1.      Corporate Communication
2.      Electronic Publishing
3.      Knowledge Organisation and Management

The first two posts can be filled at any level - Lecturer, Senior =
Lecturer, Reader or Professor.  We are aiming to fill the third post at
= a senior level.

We are searching globally for staff to help us meet our aim to be one of
= the leading international schools in our field.  If you have or aspire
= to world status, why not look at the further information on our web =

Important Subscriber Information:

The Museum-L FAQ file is located at . You may obtain detailed
information about the listserv commands by sending a one line e-mail
message to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should
read "help" (without the quotes).

If you decide to leave Museum-L, please send a one line e-mail message
to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should read
"Signoff Museum-L" (without the quotes).


Date:    Wed, 5 Mar 2003 12:01:01 -0500
From:    Eugene Dillenburg <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Seminar: Designing for Conservation

Please pardon any cross-postings.

NAME, the National Association for Museum Exhibition, is conducting a
seminar, "Designing for Conservation," in Portland, Oregon on May 17 -
the day before the upcoming AAM Annual Meetings.  The seminar is not
part of the AAM program and requires separate registration.

People interested in the seminar will find more information below, and
on the NAME website  Thanks!

Eugene Dillenburg
NAME Membership Chair
C/o Science Museum of Minnesota
120 W. Kellogg Blvd.
St. Paul, Minnesota 55102
[log in to unmask]
(651) 221-4706

Designing for Conservation
NAME National Seminar
Saturday, May 17, 2003 / 8:30am-6:00pm / Portland Art Museum / Portland,

How do the overlapping roles and responsibilities of planners/designers
and conservation fit together?  Where do I find someone to consult with
on my exhibit's conservation needs?  What pollutants are contaminating
my museum's exhibit environment?  What advances have been made with
regards to exhibit cases and lighting?

This one-day seminar, will identify new methodologies that address key
conservation and exhibition issues; define successful strategies for
establishing a collaborative working relationship between design and
conservation specialists; and provide practical guidelines and
techniques for successfully meeting conservation criteria in museum

Seminar includes:
* Instructional sessions and practical workshop with product literature
and samples
* Conservation Marketplace showcasing the most useful products
* Informal discussion and resolution of participant's conservation
* CD-ROM Exhibit Conservation Guidelines, produced by the National Park
* Resource notebook including conservation references and the NAME
Exhibitionist issue, "Designing for Conservation"
* Continental breakfast during registration and box lunch

Toby Raphael, Exhibit Conservator, Harpers Ferry Center, National Park
Service Pamela Hatchfield, Head of Objects Conservation, Museum of Fine
Arts, Boston Daniel Quan, Principal, Daniel Quan Design Larry Bowers,
Conservator, Harpers Ferry Center, National Park Service

$100 NAME members
$125 non-members
Registration form available at

Important Subscriber Information:

The Museum-L FAQ file is located at . You may obtain detailed
information about the listserv commands by sending a one line e-mail
message to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should
read "help" (without the quotes).

If you decide to leave Museum-L, please send a one line e-mail message
to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should read
"Signoff Museum-L" (without the quotes).


Date:    Wed, 5 Mar 2003 11:59:56 -0500
From:    Pamela Blalock <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Re: IT staff in museums

The Smithsonian has a Chief Technical Officer with an Central IT staff.
Each museum has some type of IT unit.  The National Air and Space Museum
has a top notch IT division that manages all areas of IT--servers,
computer purchases, internet, email, helpdesk, and, new this year, the
Voice Over IP phone system.  Call Chris Pratt, our LAN manager,
202/633-2310 or email [log in to unmask]

Pamela Blalock
Human Resources
Smithsonian Institution
P.O. Box 37012
National Air and Space Museum, Room 3378, MRC 310
Washington, DC  20013-7012
[log in to unmask]

                      Beth Parker Miller
                      <[log in to unmask]>             To:
[log in to unmask]
                      Sent by: Museum            cc:
                      discussion list            Subject:  IT staff in
                      <[log in to unmask]

                      03/05/03 11:20 AM
                      Please respond to
                      Museum discussion

I am interested in identifying museums in the
Philadelphia-Baltimore-Washington, D.C. area that have IT
staff/departments.  What duties do these people have within their
institutions in terms of overall planning/administration as well as tech
support?  Who would I contact to find out more?

Please reply on or off list.  Thank you!

Beth Parker Miller
Hagley Museum and Library
[log in to unmask] =========================================================
Important Subscriber Information:

The Museum-L FAQ file is located at . You may obtain detailed
information about the listserv commands by sending a one line e-mail
message to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should
read "help" (without the quotes).

If you decide to leave Museum-L, please send a one line e-mail message
to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should read
"Signoff Museum-L" (without the quotes).

Important Subscriber Information:

The Museum-L FAQ file is located at . You may obtain detailed
information about the listserv commands by sending a one line e-mail
message to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should
read "help" (without the quotes).

If you decide to leave Museum-L, please send a one line e-mail message
to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should read
"Signoff Museum-L" (without the quotes).


Date:    Wed, 5 Mar 2003 12:24:09 -0500
From:    Nancy Pope <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Re: IT staff in museums

Actually, the Smithsonian's National Postal Museum has no IT staff
whatsoever. What we do have is myself - a curator who trained herself in
basic html language to try and get a website going. We use contract tech
staff for everything else (from staff computer issues to exhibit work).
We recently got enough money to actually have the website professionally
done, which is almost finished. But we'll still be left with no IT
person on staff.

Nancy Pope

Nancy A. Pope
Curatorial Office & Webmaster
National Postal Museum
Smithsonian Institution
2 Massachusetts Ave., N.E.
PO Box 75039
Washington, DC 20002

202-633-9393 (fax)
[log in to unmask]

>>> [log in to unmask] 03/05/03 11:59AM >>>
The Smithsonian has a Chief Technical Officer with an Central IT staff.
Each museum has some type of IT unit.  The National Air and Space Museum
has a top notch IT division that manages all areas of IT--servers,
computer purchases, internet, email, helpdesk, and, new this year, the
Voice Over IP phone system.  Call Chris Pratt, our LAN manager,
202/633-2310 or email [log in to unmask]

Pamela Blalock
Human Resources
Smithsonian Institution
P.O. Box 37012
National Air and Space Museum, Room 3378, MRC 310
Washington, DC  20013-7012
[log in to unmask]

                      Beth Parker Miller
                      <[log in to unmask]>             To:
[log in to unmask]
                      Sent by: Museum            cc:
                      discussion list            Subject:  IT staff in
                      <[log in to unmask]

                      03/05/03 11:20 AM
                      Please respond to
                      Museum discussion

I am interested in identifying museums in the
Philadelphia-Baltimore-Washington, D.C. area that have IT
staff/departments.  What duties do these people have within their
institutions in terms of overall planning/administration as well as tech
support?  Who would I contact to find out more?

Please reply on or off list.  Thank you!

Beth Parker Miller
Hagley Museum and Library
[log in to unmask] =========================================================
Important Subscriber Information:

The Museum-L FAQ file is located at . You may obtain detailed
information about the listserv commands by sending a one line e-mail
message to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should
read "help" (without the quotes).

If you decide to leave Museum-L, please send a one line e-mail message
to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should read
"Signoff Museum-L" (without the quotes).

Important Subscriber Information:

The Museum-L FAQ file is located at . You may obtain detailed
information about the listserv commands by sending a one line e-mail
message to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should
read "help" (without the quotes).

If you decide to leave Museum-L, please send a one line e-mail message
to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should read
"Signoff Museum-L" (without the quotes).

Important Subscriber Information:

The Museum-L FAQ file is located at . You may obtain detailed
information about the listserv commands by sending a one line e-mail
message to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should
read "help" (without the quotes).

If you decide to leave Museum-L, please send a one line e-mail message
to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should read
"Signoff Museum-L" (without the quotes).


Date:    Wed, 5 Mar 2003 12:51:46 -0500
From:    Jenny Harada <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Reproduction Rights


My name is Jenny Harada and I am the Collections Assistant at the Oregon
Historical Society in Portland, Oregon.  We are in the design
development phase of a major permanent exhibit entitled, Oregon Country,
which opens July 2004.  Currently, I am searching for reproduction
rights of photographs and illustrations that we will display in the
exhibit. However, I am having difficulty locating the rights for the
illustrations that appear in the following book:

Morwood, William.  Traveler in a Vanished Landscape; the Life and Times
of David Douglas.  New York, C.N. Potter; distributed by Crown
Publishers. 1973.

I contacted Random House, but unfortunately their records for this title
were incomplete and they were not sure if they owned the rights.  Does
anybody know where I could find the contact information for the author?
I tried looking up some of the other publishers associated with this
author (Gentry Books, London and Everest House Publishing, New York) but

find addresses for these companies either.  I would appreciate any
suggestions of where to look next.  Thank you for your help with this
inquiry and for inquiries in the past.  You can contact me at
[log in to unmask]

Thanks again,

Jenny Harada
Collections Assistant
Oregon Historical Society
1200 SW Park Avenue
Portland, OR 97205
(503) 492-6008
fax (503) 219-2030

Important Subscriber Information:

The Museum-L FAQ file is located at . You may obtain detailed
information about the listserv commands by sending a one line e-mail
message to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should
read "help" (without the quotes).

If you decide to leave Museum-L, please send a one line e-mail message
to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should read
"Signoff Museum-L" (without the quotes).


Date:    Wed, 5 Mar 2003 13:07:34 -0500
From:    Jen Gayman <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Farmhouse/Store Museum

This message is in MIME format. Since your mail reader does not
understand this format, some or all of this message may not be legible.

Content-Type: text/plain;

One of our historic sites is in the process of developing a strategic
and interpretive plan for a farmhouse / country store.  They have a
large chunk of property that has a great deal of history on it,
including a ferry landing, a blacksmith shop, a sawmill, and so on.
They are looking for regional examples of similar organizations to get
ideas from - can anyone suggestion one in the Maryland/ Washington/
Virginia region (or elsewhere)? Thank you in advance.

Jennifer Gayman

Jennifer Gayman
Heritage Coordinator
Queen Anne's County, Maryland
(410) 604-2100

Important Subscriber Information:

The Museum-L FAQ file is located at . You may obtain detailed
information about the listserv commands by sending a one line e-mail
message to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should
read "help" (without the quotes).

If you decide to leave Museum-L, please send a one line e-mail message
to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should read
"Signoff Museum-L" (without the quotes).

Content-Type: text/html;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

<META HTTP-EQUIV=3D"Content-Type" CONTENT=3D"text/html; =
charset=3Diso-8859-1"> <META NAME=3D"Generator" CONTENT=3D"MS Exchange
Server version = 5.5.2653.12"> <TITLE>Farmhouse/Store Museum</TITLE>

<P><FONT FACE=3D"Times New Roman">One of our historic sites is in the =
process of developing a strategic and interpretive plan for a farmhouse
= / country store.&nbsp; They have a large chunk of property that has a
= great deal of history on it, including a ferry landing, a blacksmith =
shop, a sawmill, and so on.&nbsp; They are looking for regional =
examples of similar organizations to get ideas from - can anyone =
suggestion one in the Maryland/ Washington/ Virginia region (or =
elsewhere)?&nbsp; Thank you in advance.</FONT></P>

<P><FONT FACE=3D"Times New Roman">Jennifer Gayman</FONT>

<P><I><FONT COLOR=3D"#008080" FACE=3D"Times New =
<BR><I><FONT COLOR=3D"#008080" FACE=3D"Times New Roman">Jennifer =
Gayman</FONT></I> <BR><I><FONT COLOR=3D"#008080" FACE=3D"Times New
Roman">Heritage = Coordinator</FONT></I> <BR><I><FONT COLOR=3D"#008080"
FACE=3D"Times New Roman">Queen Anne's = County, Maryland</FONT></I>
<BR><I><FONT COLOR=3D"#008080" FACE=3D"Times New =
<BR><I><FONT COLOR=3D"#008080" FACE=3D"Times New Roman">(410) =
604-2100</FONT></I> <BR><I><FONT COLOR=3D"#008080" FACE=3D"Times New =

Important Subscriber Information:
The Museum-L FAQ file is located at . You may obtain detailed
information about the listserv commands by sending a one line e-mail
message to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should
read "help" (without the quotes). <p> If you decide to leave Museum-L,
please send a one line e-mail message to [log in to unmask] .
The body of the message should read "Signoff Museum-L" (without the


Date:    Wed, 5 Mar 2003 10:11:26 -0800
From:    Issaquah Historical Society Info <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Re: Farmhouse/Store Museum

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

Farmhouse/Store MuseumOne location that has some of these elements is
Rose Hill Farm in Frederick, MD. I have not been there since I was a
nipper, so I don't remember everything about it, but I do remember their
barns and gardens, and a quilting exhibit. Check them out.


Erica S. Maniez
Museum Director, Issaquah Historical Society
[log in to unmask]

  -----Original Message-----
  From: Museum discussion list [mailto:[log in to unmask]]On
Behalf Of Jen Gayman
  Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2003 10:08 AM
  To: [log in to unmask]
  Subject: Farmhouse/Store Museum

  One of our historic sites is in the process of developing a strategic
and interpretive plan for a farmhouse / country store.  They have a
large chunk of property that has a great deal of history on it,
including a ferry landing, a blacksmith shop, a sawmill, and so on.
They are looking for regional examples of similar organizations to get
ideas from - can anyone suggestion one in the Maryland/ Washington/
Virginia region (or elsewhere)? Thank you in advance.

  Jennifer Gayman

Important Subscriber Information:

The Museum-L FAQ file is located at . You may obtain detailed
information about the listserv commands by sending a one line e-mail
message to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should
read "help" (without the quotes).

If you decide to leave Museum-L, please send a one line e-mail message
to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should read
"Signoff Museum-L" (without the quotes).

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<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Farmhouse/Store Museum</TITLE> <META
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<DIV><SPAN class=3D260141018-05032003><FONT face=3DArial color=3D#0000ff
= size=3D2>One=20 location that has some of these elements is Rose Hill
Farm in Frederick, = MD. I=20 have not been there since I was a nipper,
so I don't remember everything = about=20 it, but I do remember their
barns and gardens, and a quilting exhibit. = Check=20 them
out.</FONT></SPAN></DIV> <DIV><SPAN class=3D260141018-05032003><FONT
face=3DArial color=3D#0000ff =

<DIV><SPAN class=3D260141018-05032003><FONT face=3DArial color=3D#0000ff

<P><FONT size=3D2>Erica S. Maniez<BR>Museum Director, Issaquah =
Society<BR>425/392-3500<BR>[log in to unmask]<BR>www.issaquahhisto
<BLOCKQUOTE dir=3Dltr=20
style=3D"PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #0000ff 2px =
solid; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px">
  <DIV class=3DOutlookMessageHeader dir=3Dltr align=3Dleft><FONT =
  size=3D2>-----Original Message-----<BR><B>From:</B> Museum discussion
= list=20
  [mailto:[log in to unmask]]<B>On Behalf Of </B>Jen=20
  Gayman<BR><B>Sent:</B> Wednesday, March 05, 2003 10:08 =
  [log in to unmask]<BR><B>Subject:</B> Farmhouse/Store=20
  <P><FONT face=3D"Times New Roman">One of our historic sites is in the
= process of=20
  developing a strategic and interpretive plan for a farmhouse / country

  store.&nbsp; They have a large chunk of property that has a great deal
= of=20
  history on it, including a ferry landing, a blacksmith shop, a =
sawmill, and so=20
  on.&nbsp; They are looking for regional examples of similar =
organizations to=20
  get ideas from - can anyone suggestion one in the Maryland/ =
  Virginia region (or elsewhere)?&nbsp; Thank you in advance.</FONT></P>
  <P><FONT face=3D"Times New Roman">Jennifer Gayman</FONT>=20
Important Subscriber Information:
The Museum-L FAQ file is located at . You may obtain detailed
information about the listserv commands by sending a one line e-mail
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Date:    Wed, 5 Mar 2003 13:23:28 -0500
From:    Ben Marshall <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Re: Farmhouse/Store Museum

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Farmhouse/Store MuseumYou may want to check out Black Creek Pioneer
Village located in Toronto, Canada for inspiration:

Ben Marshall
Executive Director
The Toronto Computer Museum
  -----Original Message-----
  From: Museum discussion list [mailto:[log in to unmask]]On
Behalf Of Issaquah Historical Society Info
  Sent: March 5, 2003 1:11 PM
  To: [log in to unmask]
  Subject: Re: Farmhouse/Store Museum

  One location that has some of these elements is Rose Hill Farm in
Frederick, MD. I have not been there since I was a nipper, so I don't
remember everything about it, but I do remember their barns and gardens,
and a quilting exhibit. Check them out.


  Erica S. Maniez
  Museum Director, Issaquah Historical Society
  [log in to unmask]

    -----Original Message-----
    From: Museum discussion list [mailto:[log in to unmask]]On
Behalf Of Jen Gayman
    Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2003 10:08 AM
    To: [log in to unmask]
    Subject: Farmhouse/Store Museum

    One of our historic sites is in the process of developing a
strategic and interpretive plan for a farmhouse / country store.  They
have a large chunk of property that has a great deal of history on it,
including a ferry landing, a blacksmith shop, a sawmill, and so on.
They are looking for regional examples of similar organizations to get
ideas from - can anyone suggestion one in the Maryland/ Washington/
Virginia region (or elsewhere)? Thank you in advance.

    Jennifer Gayman

  ========================================================= Important
Subscriber Information:
  The Museum-L FAQ file is located at . You may obtain detailed
information about the listserv commands by sending a one line e-mail
message to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should
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  If you decide to leave Museum-L, please send a one line e-mail message
to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should read
"Signoff Museum-L" (without the quotes).

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information about the listserv commands by sending a one line e-mail
message to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should
read "help" (without the quotes).

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<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Farmhouse/Store Museum</TITLE> <META
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<DIV><SPAN class=3D359021918-05032003><FONT face=3DArial color=3D#0000ff
= size=3D2>You=20 may want to check out Black Creek Pioneer Village
located in Toronto, = Canada for=20
inspiration: <A=20
<DIV><SPAN class=3D359021918-05032003><FONT face=3DArial color=3D#0000ff

<DIV><SPAN class=3D359021918-05032003><FONT face=3DArial color=3D#0000ff
= size=3D2>Ben=20 Marshall</FONT></SPAN></DIV> <DIV><SPAN
class=3D359021918-05032003><FONT face=3DArial color=3D#0000ff =

size=3D2>Executive Director</FONT></SPAN></DIV>
<DIV><SPAN class=3D359021918-05032003><FONT face=3DArial color=3D#0000ff
= size=3D2>The=20 Toronto Computer Museum</FONT></SPAN></DIV>
<BLOCKQUOTE dir=3Dltr style=3D"MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px">
  <DIV class=3DOutlookMessageHeader dir=3Dltr align=3Dleft><FONT =
  size=3D2>-----Original Message-----<BR><B>From:</B> Museum discussion
= list=20
  [mailto:[log in to unmask]]<B>On Behalf Of </B>Issaquah =
  Society Info<BR><B>Sent:</B> March 5, 2003 1:11 PM<BR><B>To:</B>=20
  [log in to unmask]<BR><B>Subject:</B> Re: Farmhouse/Store=20
  <DIV><SPAN class=3D260141018-05032003><FONT face=3DArial =
color=3D#0000ff size=3D2>One=20
  location that has some of these elements is Rose Hill Farm in =
Frederick, MD. I=20
  have not been there since I was a nipper, so I don't remember =
everything about=20
  it, but I do remember their barns and gardens, and a quilting exhibit.
= Check=20
  them out.</FONT></SPAN></DIV>
  <DIV><SPAN class=3D260141018-05032003><FONT face=3DArial =
  <DIV><SPAN class=3D260141018-05032003><FONT face=3DArial =
  <P><FONT size=3D2>Erica S. Maniez<BR>Museum Director, Issaquah =
Society<BR>425/392-3500<BR>[log in to unmask]<BR>www.issaquahhisto
  <BLOCKQUOTE dir=3Dltr=20
  style=3D"PADDING-LEFT: 5px; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; BORDER-LEFT: #0000ff 2px
= solid; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px">
    <DIV class=3DOutlookMessageHeader dir=3Dltr align=3Dleft><FONT =
    size=3D2>-----Original Message-----<BR><B>From:</B> Museum =
discussion list=20
    [mailto:[log in to unmask]]<B>On Behalf Of </B>Jen=20
    Gayman<BR><B>Sent:</B> Wednesday, March 05, 2003 10:08 =
    [log in to unmask]<BR><B>Subject:</B> Farmhouse/Store=20
    <P><FONT face=3D"Times New Roman">One of our historic sites is in =
the process=20
    of developing a strategic and interpretive plan for a farmhouse / =
    store.&nbsp; They have a large chunk of property that has a great =
deal of=20
    history on it, including a ferry landing, a blacksmith shop, a =
sawmill, and=20
    so on.&nbsp; They are looking for regional examples of similar =
    to get ideas from - can anyone suggestion one in the Maryland/ =
    Virginia region (or elsewhere)?&nbsp; Thank you in =
    <P><FONT face=3D"Times New Roman">Jennifer Gayman</FONT>=20
  Important Subscriber Information:=20
  <P>The Museum-L FAQ file is located at=20 . You may obtain detailed=20
  information about the listserv commands by sending a one line e-mail =
  to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should read
= "help"=20
  (without the quotes).=20
  <P>If you decide to leave Museum-L, please send a one line e-mail =
message to=20
  [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should read =
  Museum-L" (without the quotes). </P></BLOCKQUOTE></BODY></HTML>
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The Museum-L FAQ file is located at . You may obtain detailed
information about the listserv commands by sending a one line e-mail
message to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should
read "help" (without the quotes). <p> If you decide to leave Museum-L,
please send a one line e-mail message to [log in to unmask] .
The body of the message should read "Signoff Museum-L" (without the



Date:    Wed, 5 Mar 2003 10:27:15 -0700
From:    Richard Urban <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Re: IT staff in museums


The following IMLS report might be of interest.

Status of Technology and Digitization
In the Nation's Museums and Libraries 2002 Report

Richard Urban
Operations Coordinator
Colorado Digitization Program
(303) 871-4558

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Date:    Wed, 5 Mar 2003 13:57:54 -0500
From:    "Powers, Jennifer CON" <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Re: Farmhouse/Store Museum

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You could look at Stratford Hall Plantation- the birthplace of Robert E.
Lee. I've only visited once, but I believe that they had all that, and
they are in VA.

Jennifer "Suzy" Powers
Fort Bragg Cultural Resources program
[log in to unmask]

-----Original Message-----
From: Jen Gayman [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2003 1:08 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Farmhouse/Store Museum

One of our historic sites is in the process of developing a strategic
and interpretive plan for a farmhouse / country store.  They have a
large chunk of property that has a great deal of history on it,
including a ferry landing, a blacksmith shop, a sawmill, and so on.
They are looking for regional examples of similar organizations to get
ideas from - can anyone suggestion one in the Maryland/ Washington/
Virginia region (or elsewhere)? Thank you in advance.

Jennifer Gayman

Jennifer Gayman
Heritage Coordinator
Queen Anne's County, Maryland
(410) 604-2100

========================================================= Important
Subscriber Information:

The Museum-L FAQ file is located at . You may obtain detailed
information about the listserv commands by sending a one line e-mail
message to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should
read "help" (without the quotes).

If you decide to leave Museum-L, please send a one line e-mail message
to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should read
"Signoff Museum-L" (without the quotes).

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information about the listserv commands by sending a one line e-mail
message to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should
read "help" (without the quotes).

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to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should read
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<DIV><FONT face="Californian FB" color=#ff0000><SPAN
class=333190619-05032003>You could look at Stratford Hall Plantation-
the birthplace of Robert E. Lee. I've only visited once, but I believe
that they had all that, and they are in VA. </SPAN></FONT></DIV>
<DIV>&nbsp;</DIV> <P><FONT face="Copperplate Gothic Bold"
size=2>Jennifer "Suzy" Powers</FONT> <BR><FONT face="Copperplate Gothic
Light" size=2>Archivist</FONT> <BR><FONT face="Copperplate Gothic Light"
size=2>Fort Bragg Cultural Resources program</FONT> <BR><FONT
face="Copperplate Gothic Light" size=2>[log in to unmask]</FONT>
<BR><FONT face="Copperplate Gothic Light" size=2>910-396-6680</FONT>
</P> <BLOCKQUOTE dir=ltr style="MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px">
  <DIV class=OutlookMessageHeader dir=ltr align=left><FONT face=Tahoma
  size=2>-----Original Message-----<BR><B>From:</B> Jen Gayman
  [mailto:[log in to unmask]]<BR><B>Sent:</B> Wednesday, March 05, 2003
  PM<BR><B>To:</B> [log in to unmask]<BR><B>Subject:</B>
  Farmhouse/Store Museum<BR><BR></FONT></DIV>
  <P><FONT face="Times New Roman">One of our historic sites is in the
process of
  developing a strategic and interpretive plan for a farmhouse / country
  store.&nbsp; They have a large chunk of property that has a great deal
  history on it, including a ferry landing, a blacksmith shop, a
sawmill, and so
  on.&nbsp; They are looking for regional examples of similar
organizations to
  get ideas from - can anyone suggestion one in the Maryland/
  Virginia region (or elsewhere)?&nbsp; Thank you in advance.</FONT></P>
  <P><FONT face="Times New Roman">Jennifer Gayman</FONT> </P>
  <P><I><FONT face="Times New Roman"

  <BR><I><FONT face="Times New Roman" color=#008080>Jennifer
  <BR><I><FONT face="Times New Roman" color=#008080>Heritage
  Coordinator</FONT></I> <BR><I><FONT face="Times New Roman"
  Anne's County, Maryland</FONT></I> <BR><I><FONT face="Times New Roman"
  color=#008080></FONT></I> <BR><I><FONT
  face="Times New Roman" color=#008080>(410) 604-2100</FONT></I>
  face="Times New Roman"

  Subscriber Information:
  <P>The Museum-L FAQ file is located at . You may obtain detailed
  information about the listserv commands by sending a one line e-mail
  to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should read
  (without the quotes).
  <P>If you decide to leave Museum-L, please send a one line e-mail
message to
  [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should read
  Museum-L" (without the quotes).</P></BLOCKQUOTE></BODY></HTML>
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information about the listserv commands by sending a one line e-mail
message to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should
read "help" (without the quotes). <p> If you decide to leave Museum-L,
please send a one line e-mail message to [log in to unmask] .
The body of the message should read "Signoff Museum-L" (without the



Date:    Wed, 5 Mar 2003 14:03:32 -0500
From:    Upstate History Alliance <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Museum Conference in Albany, NY

The Museum Association of New York (MANY) and the Upstate History
(UHA) are holding their joint Annual Conference on April 27-28, 2003 in
UNCERTAINTY. The challenges facing museums and historical organizations
today are daunting, but stressful times call for leadership and
creativity to keep institutions vital and responsive. Join your
colleagues in Albany to explore strategies, options, and best practices
that can help our organizations move ahead in a time of uncertainty.

This conference is the largest gathering of museum staff, board members
and volunteers in New York State, representing institutions of all types
from every region of the state. The conference program includes
workshops, concurrent sessions, backstage tours, a keynote address, and
more.  The full conference program and a printable registration form can
be found at or

Our conference remains a very affordable training and networking event,
with a registrations postmarked by April 15th costing only $55 for
MANY/UHA members or students, $70 for nonmembers. After April 15th the
price increases to $70members/$85 nonmembers.

Travel support for the conference is available for institutions in New
York State. Details can be found on the conference websites.

Please contact UHA at (800) 895-1648 or [log in to unmask] if you
have any questions. We look forward to seeing you in Albany!

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information about the listserv commands by sending a one line e-mail
message to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should
read "help" (without the quotes).

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Date:    Wed, 5 Mar 2003 14:09:57 -0500
From:    Candace Perry <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Re: Farmhouse/Store Museum

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Landis Valley Farm Museum in PA has a COutnry store and a other buildings. Candace Perry Schwenkfelder Library &
Heritage Center

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information about the listserv commands by sending a one line e-mail
message to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should
read "help" (without the quotes).

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to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should read
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<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<HTML><HEAD> <META http-equiv=3DContent-Type content=3D"text/html; =
charset=3Diso-8859-1"> <META content=3D"MSHTML 5.50.4134.100"
class=3D230530819-05032003><FONT face=3DArial color=3D#0000ff =
size=3D2>Landis=20 Valley Farm Museum in PA has a COutnry store and a = other=20 buildings.</FONT></SPAN></DIV> <DIV><SPAN
class=3D230530819-05032003><FONT face=3DArial color=3D#0000ff =

size=3D2>Candace Perry</FONT></SPAN></DIV>
<DIV><SPAN class=3D230530819-05032003><FONT face=3DArial color=3D#0000ff

size=3D2>Schwenkfelder Library &amp; Heritage=20
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Date:    Wed, 5 Mar 2003 13:34:13 -0500
From:    Pam Richardson Jones <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: IT staff in museums

The Hirshhorn Museum & Sculpture Garden does not have an IT person on
staff either.

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information about the listserv commands by sending a one line e-mail
message to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should
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to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should read
"Signoff Museum-L" (without the quotes).


Date:    Wed, 5 Mar 2003 11:31:58 -0800
From:    Roy Hemmat <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Living History "Experts" Needed for Mag. Article

Greetings Listers,

I received a request from a writer for assistance on a June article for
a "major magazine" .. (and truly major it is, however decorum demands
that it shall remain nameless in this public post).

The writer is looking for a couple of experts or otherwise eminently
knowledgable individuals who might be willing to be interveiwed by phone
over the next day or two .. the article topic is travel oriented .. and
the writer wishes to delve into the growth/trends related to living
history museums .. with emphasis on how families can make the most of
their experience on vacation.

PLease let me know via email ASAP if you'd like to be included in the
list I'll be providing to this writer. - Thanks a bunch!

Roy Hemmat
Director, Discovery Media

** 1000's of museums and educational links
now available through our award-winning gateway

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information about the listserv commands by sending a one line e-mail
message to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should
read "help" (without the quotes).

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to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should read
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Date:    Wed, 5 Mar 2003 12:19:30 -0500
From:    Meryl Suzanne Beatri Zwanger <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Educational Materials for Drawing Exhibitions

Hi, all.

I work at an institution that specializes in drawing and I am looking
for educational materials (pre-visit and post-visit materials, family
guides, teacher lesson plans, etc.) for exhibitions of drawings. Does
anyone have anything that they could share with me?

Many hopeful thanks in advance,

Meryl Zwanger

Important Subscriber Information:

The Museum-L FAQ file is located at . You may obtain detailed
information about the listserv commands by sending a one line e-mail
message to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should
read "help" (without the quotes).

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to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should read
"Signoff Museum-L" (without the quotes).


Date:    Wed, 5 Mar 2003 14:26:40 -0500
From:    Meryl Suzanne Beatri Zwanger <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Re: Masters in Museum Studies vs. MBA

Hi, all.

What about going for a degree in the content field of science?  You
might want to check some of the archived threads on content MA's (such
as in the field of art history) versus MA's in museum studies.  The
other possibility you might want to consider is an MPA - a Master's in
Public Administration (I think I've got that right), which is the
non-profit version of the MBA.  I think MBA's and perhaps MPA's would
only be useful in museums in finance/administration, though.

Hope this helps, and good luck, Meryl Zwanger

Important Subscriber Information:

The Museum-L FAQ file is located at . You may obtain detailed
information about the listserv commands by sending a one line e-mail
message to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should
read "help" (without the quotes).

If you decide to leave Museum-L, please send a one line e-mail message
to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should read
"Signoff Museum-L" (without the quotes).


Date:    Wed, 5 Mar 2003 15:19:45 -0600
From:    "David T. Schaller" <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Informal learning objectives

I'd like to hear how museum professionals are currently setting learning
objectives for informal learning experiences.  I've seen (and written) a
motley variety of objectives--some owe a lot to classroom lesson plans
and are awfully specific and ambitious for informal settings ("Visitor
will demonstrate knowledge/competence/expertise in X") and others more
of the "lite" variety ("Visitor will appreciate the importance of
subject X in situation Y").

In light of recent research on free-choice learning outcomes, I'm trying
to figure out how to craft learning goals that have some semblance to
what people are actually likely to learn from an informal experience.
Any thoughts on this matter, or even better, examples, would be very

Dave ________________________________________________________________
David T. Schaller                               [log in to unmask]
Educational Web Adventures                          651-641-7566

Important Subscriber Information:

The Museum-L FAQ file is located at . You may obtain detailed
information about the listserv commands by sending a one line e-mail
message to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should
read "help" (without the quotes).

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to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should read
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Date:    Wed, 5 Mar 2003 17:01:08 -0600
From:    Amy Southon <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: position-Development Assistant - Illinois

Position:  Development Assistant
DuPage Children's Museum
Naperville IL

Job Summary:  This individual works as assistant to the Director of
Institutional Advancement and to the department to increase donor
support for the Museum's mission. The Development Assistant is
responsible for coordinating direct mail initiatives and communication
with donors, managing the donor database, doing data entry, assisting
with special events and providing administrative and project support to
the department director.=20

        1.      Coordinates production of queries, exports and reports
from the donor database to provide information and analysis on D.C.M.
fundraising progress.=20
        2.      Coordinates customer service for donors and prospective
donors. This may include creating correspondence and administering
        3.      Helps oversee management of the donor database and
appeals; Sends acknowledgement letters; Performs on-going data entry and
organizes and makes corrections to donor records as needed. This may
include data entry related to donors, prospects, donations, members,
volunteers, employees, etc.
        4.      Organizes and manages direct mail and appeals
preparation and mailing processes related to same.
        5.      Supports the work of other members in the department on
special events; works with outside vendors, and works in support of
these events.=20
        6.      Creates appropriate signage in-house, or coordinates
production of signage if it must be produced outside of DCM
        7.      Performs administrative support duties and does projects
for the Director of Institutional Advancement, such as coordination of
the appeals and event status tracking.
        8.      Maintains the donor files and assists in maintaining the
grant files.
        9.      Performs development research as requested.
        10.     Other duties as assigned.

Job Relationships:
        *       Supervised by the Director of Institutional Advancement
        *       Must work well in a team environment and maintain
excellent relationships with museum staff, board, funders, vendors,
visitors and various D.C.M. constituencies.

Knowledge, Skills and Abilities:
        *       Bachelor's Degree from an accredited college or
university or equivalent experience.=20
        Two (2) years of related experience, preferably in a museum or
other non-profit setting or an equivalent combination of education,
training and experience.=20
        *       Proficiency in MS Word and Excel; knowledge of
fundraising software is highly desirable.=20
        *       Strong planning and organizational abilities and
excellent written communication skills; high level of analytical,
presentation, negotiation, problem solving, and customer service skills.

        *       The nature of the work requires this person to execute
assignments and tasks under only general supervision, to demonstrate
strong initiative, to exercise considerable discretion and independent
judgment, and to deal independently with volunteers, other departments,
community partners and the public.

Must have your own transportation, a valid Illinois driver's license and
appropriate liability insurance.=20

Send application to:
Rosie Sajak
Director, Institutional Advancement
DuPage Children's Museum
301 N. Washington Street
Naperville IL 60540

Amy Southon
Associate Director of Programs
DuPage Children's Museum
301 N. Washington
Naperville IL 60540

Important Subscriber Information:

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information about the listserv commands by sending a one line e-mail
message to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should
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If you decide to leave Museum-L, please send a one line e-mail message
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Date:    Wed, 5 Mar 2003 23:31:29 +0000
From:    =?iso-8859-1?q?Emma=20Brown?= <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Learning styles in museums

Content-Type: text/plain; charset=iso-8859-1
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 8bit

Dear all,
I have a similar request. I am  writing a term paper on  learning styles
in museums and I would really appreciate some info on how museums in the
US are applying them.

Emma B

"David T. Schaller" <[log in to unmask]> wrote:I'd like to hear how museum
professionals are currently setting learning objectives for informal
learning experiences. I've seen (and written) a motley variety of
objectives--some owe a lot to classroom lesson plans and are awfully
specific and ambitious for informal settings ("Visitor will demonstrate
knowledge/competence/expertise in X") and others more of the "lite"
variety ("Visitor will appreciate the importance of subject X in
situation Y").

In light of recent research on free-choice learning outcomes, I'm trying
to figure out how to craft learning goals that have some semblance to
what people are actually likely to learn from an informal experience.
Any thoughts on this matter, or even better, examples, would be very

Dave ________________________________________________________________
David T. Schaller [log in to unmask]
Educational Web Adventures 651-641-7566

Important Subscriber Information:

The Museum-L FAQ file is located at . You may obtain detailed
information about the listserv commands by sending a one line e-mail
message to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should
read "help" (without the quotes).

If you decide to leave Museum-L, please send a one line e-mail message
to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should read
"Signoff Museum-L" (without the quotes).

Emma Brown,
14 Agherton Drive,
Co. Derry,
BT55 7HZ

[log in to unmask]

With Yahoo! Mail you can get a bigger mailbox -- choose a size that fits
your needs

Important Subscriber Information:

The Museum-L FAQ file is located at . You may obtain detailed
information about the listserv commands by sending a one line e-mail
message to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should
read "help" (without the quotes).

If you decide to leave Museum-L, please send a one line e-mail message
to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should read
"Signoff Museum-L" (without the quotes).

Content-Type: text/html; charset=iso-8859-1
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<P>Dear all,
<P>I have a similar request. I am&nbsp; writing a term paper on&nbsp;
learning styles&nbsp;in museums and I would really appreciate some info
on how museums in the US are applying them. <P>&nbsp; <P>Cheers <P>Emma
B <P>&nbsp; <P>&nbsp; <P><B><I>"David T. Schaller"
&lt;[log in to unmask]&gt;</I></B> wrote: <BLOCKQUOTE style="BORDER-LEFT:
#1010ff 2px solid; MARGIN-LEFT: 5px; PADDING-LEFT: 5px">I'd like to hear
how museum professionals are currently setting learning<BR>objectives
for informal learning experiences. I've seen (and written) a<BR>motley
variety of objectives--some owe a lot to classroom lesson plans
and<BR>are awfully specific and ambitious for informal settings
("Visitor will<BR>demonstrate knowledge/competence/expertise in X") and
others more of the<BR>"lite" variety ("Visitor will appreciate the
importance of subject X in<BR>situation Y").<BR><BR>In light of recent
research on free-choice learning outcomes, I'm trying to<BR>figure out
how to craft learning goals that have some semblance to what<BR>people
are actually likely to learn from an informal experience.
Any<BR>thoughts on this matter, or even better, examples, would be very
___________________________<BR>David T. Schaller
[log in to unmask]<BR>Principal<BR>Educational Web
=====<BR>Important Subscriber Information:<BR><BR>The Museum-L FAQ file
is located at . You may obtain
detailed information about the listserv commands by sending a one line
e-mail message to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message
should read "help" (without the quotes).<BR><BR>If you decide to leave
Museum-L, please send a one line e-mail message to
[log in to unmask] . The body of the message should read
"Signoff Museum-L" (without the quotes).</BLOCKQUOTE><BR><BR>Emma Brown,
<br>14 Agherton Drive,<br>Portstewart,<br>Co. Derry,<br>BT55
7HZ<br><br>[log in to unmask]<p><p><br><hr size=1><a
il_storage.html"><b><font face="Arial" size="2">With Yahoo! Mail you can
get a bigger mailbox -- choose a size that fits your
Important Subscriber Information:
The Museum-L FAQ file is located at . You may obtain detailed
information about the listserv commands by sending a one line e-mail
message to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should
read "help" (without the quotes). <p> If you decide to leave Museum-L,
please send a one line e-mail message to [log in to unmask] .
The body of the message should read "Signoff Museum-L" (without the


Date:    Wed, 5 Mar 2003 20:25:45 -0500
From:    James Schulte <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Re: Farmhouse/Store Museum

This is a multi-part message in MIME format.

Content-Type: text/plain;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

Farmhouse/Store MuseumJennifer I suggest checking out Batso Village in =
New Jersey
  ----- Original Message -----=20
  From: Jen Gayman=20
  To: [log in to unmask]
  Sent: Wednesday, March 05, 2003 1:07 PM
  Subject: Farmhouse/Store Museum

  One of our historic sites is in the process of developing a strategic
= and interpretive plan for a farmhouse / country store.  They have a =
large chunk of property that has a great deal of history on it, =
including a ferry landing, a blacksmith shop, a sawmill, and so on.  =
They are looking for regional examples of similar organizations to get =
ideas from - can anyone suggestion one in the Maryland/ Washington/ =
Virginia region (or elsewhere)?  Thank you in advance.

  Jennifer Gayman=20

  Jennifer Gayman=20
  Heritage Coordinator=20
  Queen Anne's County, Maryland=20
  (410) 604-2100=20

=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D Important Subscriber Information:=20
  The Museum-L FAQ file is located at = . You may obtain detailed =
information about the listserv commands by sending a one line e-mail =
message to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should
= read "help" (without the quotes).=20

  If you decide to leave Museum-L, please send a one line e-mail message
= to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should read
= "Signoff Museum-L" (without the quotes).

Important Subscriber Information:

The Museum-L FAQ file is located at . You may obtain detailed
information about the listserv commands by sending a one line e-mail
message to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should
read "help" (without the quotes).

If you decide to leave Museum-L, please send a one line e-mail message
to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should read
"Signoff Museum-L" (without the quotes).

Content-Type: text/html;
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

<!DOCTYPE HTML PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.0 Transitional//EN">
<HTML><HEAD><TITLE>Farmhouse/Store Museum</TITLE> <META
http-equiv=3DContent-Type content=3D"text/html; = charset=3Diso-8859-1">
<META content=3D"MSHTML 6.00.2800.1141" name=3DGENERATOR>
<STYLE></STYLE> </HEAD> <BODY bgColor=3D#ffffff> <DIV><FONT face=3DArial
size=3D2>Jennifer I suggest checking out Batso = Village in=20 New
Jersey</FONT></DIV> <BLOCKQUOTE dir=3Dltr=20
BORDER-LEFT: #000000 2px solid; MARGIN-RIGHT: 0px">
  <DIV style=3D"FONT: 10pt arial">----- Original Message ----- </DIV>
  style=3D"BACKGROUND: #e4e4e4; FONT: 10pt arial; font-color: =
  <A [log in to unmask] href=3D"mailto:[log in to unmask]">Jen =
Gayman</A> </DIV>
  <DIV style=3D"FONT: 10pt arial"><B>To:</B> <A =
[log in to unmask]
href=3D"mailto:[log in to unmask]">[log in to unmask]
  <DIV style=3D"FONT: 10pt arial"><B>Sent:</B> Wednesday, March 05, 2003
= 1:07=20
  <DIV style=3D"FONT: 10pt arial"><B>Subject:</B> Farmhouse/Store =
  <P><FONT face=3D"Times New Roman">One of our historic sites is in the
= process of=20
  developing a strategic and interpretive plan for a farmhouse / country

  store.&nbsp; They have a large chunk of property that has a great deal
= of=20
  history on it, including a ferry landing, a blacksmith shop, a =
sawmill, and so=20
  on.&nbsp; They are looking for regional examples of similar =
organizations to=20
  get ideas from - can anyone suggestion one in the Maryland/ =
  Virginia region (or elsewhere)?&nbsp; Thank you in advance.</FONT></P>
  <P><FONT face=3D"Times New Roman">Jennifer Gayman</FONT> </P>
  <P><I><FONT face=3D"Times New Roman"=20
  <BR><I><FONT face=3D"Times New Roman" color=3D#008080>Jennifer =
  <BR><I><FONT face=3D"Times New Roman" color=3D#008080>Heritage=20
  Coordinator</FONT></I> <BR><I><FONT face=3D"Times New Roman" =
  Anne's County, Maryland</FONT></I> <BR><I><FONT face=3D"Times New =
  color=3D#008080></FONT></I> <BR><I><FONT=20
  face=3D"Times New Roman" color=3D#008080>(410) 604-2100</FONT></I> =
  face=3D"Times New Roman"=20
=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D=3D Important=20
  Subscriber Information:=20
  <P>The Museum-L FAQ file is located at=20 . You may obtain detailed=20
  information about the listserv commands by sending a one line e-mail =
  to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should read
= "help"=20
  (without the quotes).=20
  <P>If you decide to leave Museum-L, please send a one line e-mail =
message to=20
  [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should read =
  Museum-L" (without the quotes).</P></BLOCKQUOTE></BODY></HTML>
Important Subscriber Information:
The Museum-L FAQ file is located at . You may obtain detailed
information about the listserv commands by sending a one line e-mail
message to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should
read "help" (without the quotes). <p> If you decide to leave Museum-L,
please send a one line e-mail message to [log in to unmask] .
The body of the message should read "Signoff Museum-L" (without the



Date:    Wed, 5 Mar 2003 23:36:51 EST
From:    Annmarie Zan <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: traders cabin

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

We are a small museum that specializes in the eighteenth century French
Indian fur trade. We are about to convert our garage into a French
trader's cabin. Does anyone have any idea where we can get pictures or
other information on what this would look like> Thanks in advance for
your help

Important Subscriber Information:

The Museum-L FAQ file is located at . You may obtain detailed
information about the listserv commands by sending a one line e-mail
message to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should
read "help" (without the quotes).

If you decide to leave Museum-L, please send a one line e-mail message
to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should read
"Signoff Museum-L" (without the quotes).

Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

<HTML><FONT FACE=3Darial,helvetica><FONT  COLOR=3D"#ff0080" SIZE=3D3
FAMILY= =3D"SANSSERIF" FACE=3D"Tahoma" LANG=3D"0">We are a small museum
that special= izes in the eighteenth century French Indian fur trade. We
are about to conv= ert our garage into a French trader's cabin. Does
anyone have any idea where=  we can get pictures or other information on
what this would look like&gt; T= hanks in advance for your
Important Subscriber Information:
The Museum-L FAQ file is located at . You may obtain detailed
information about the listserv commands by sending a one line e-mail
message to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should
read "help" (without the quotes). <p> If you decide to leave Museum-L,
please send a one line e-mail message to [log in to unmask] .
The body of the message should read "Signoff Museum-L" (without the



Date:    Wed, 5 Mar 2003 23:41:52 EST
From:    Annmarie Zan <[log in to unmask]>
Subject: Re: Learning styles in museums

Content-Type: text/plain; charset="US-ASCII"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit

At our small midwestern museum we tackle learning styles in the way our
displays are set up. We have signage for the visual learner, tape
recordings for the audio learner and hands on activities for the kinetic
learner. We would appreciate ideas of ways to increase our use of
learning styles so please answer on list Annmarie

Important Subscriber Information:

The Museum-L FAQ file is located at . You may obtain detailed
information about the listserv commands by sending a one line e-mail
message to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should
read "help" (without the quotes).

If you decide to leave Museum-L, please send a one line e-mail message
to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should read
"Signoff Museum-L" (without the quotes).

Content-Type: text/html; charset="US-ASCII"
Content-Transfer-Encoding: quoted-printable

<HTML><FONT FACE=3Darial,helvetica><FONT  COLOR=3D"#ff0080" SIZE=3D3
FAMILY= =3D"SANSSERIF" FACE=3D"Tahoma" LANG=3D"0">At our small
midwestern museum we=20= tackle learning styles in the way our displays
are set up. We have signage f= or the visual learner, tape recordings
for the audio learner and hands on ac= tivities for the kinetic learner.
We would appreciate ideas of ways to incre= ase our use of learning
styles so please answer on list Annmarie</FONT></HTM=
Important Subscriber Information:
The Museum-L FAQ file is located at . You may obtain detailed
information about the listserv commands by sending a one line e-mail
message to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should
read "help" (without the quotes). <p> If you decide to leave Museum-L,
please send a one line e-mail message to [log in to unmask] .
The body of the message should read "Signoff Museum-L" (without the



End of MUSEUM-L Digest - 4 Mar 2003 to 5 Mar 2003 (#2003-62)

Important Subscriber Information:

The Museum-L FAQ file is located at . You may obtain detailed information about the listserv commands by sending a one line e-mail message to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should read "help" (without the quotes).

If you decide to leave Museum-L, please send a one line e-mail message to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should read "Signoff Museum-L" (without the quotes).