I'm curious, why would numbering the plastic case for a videotape be
handled any differently than numbering any other object made of plastic?

There are some important issues to consider with plastics, not the least of
which is that adhesives chemically react with plastics in sometimes
unpredictable ways. Therefore I would use caution applying an unknown
adhesive to an unknown plastic.

I'd also be concerned with applying B-72 as it is usually dissolved in
strong solvents (tolulene, xylene, acetone) that are known to react with
plastics. However, that's a decision for you to make in consultation with a
conservator versed in plastics.

Try searching Conservation On-Line for some very helpful info on plastics
in museum collections.

Remember, even "acid-free" sticky labels are not meant to be applied
directly to artifacts.

Diane Gutenkauf

On Thu, 2 Jan 2003 15:40:16 -0500, George Garner
<[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Thanks Sheryl. I neglected to mention that all except three are VHS; the
>other two are Betacam. I didn't mean to imply that I wanted to handle the
>physical magnetic tape directly - just wondering if there was a "proper"
>method for numbering the plastic housing. I considered everyday office
>supply adhesive labels, but without any experience working with
>videocassettes in a museum setting I was hesitant to use them. I've had two
>responses so far, and they both agreed it was okay.
>Thanks again to all, and best wishes for the new year.
>National Speedskating Museum and Hall of Fame
>George Garner, Director and Curator
>P.O. Box 3120, Saratoga Springs, NY 12866
>(518) 587-2609

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