The Memorial Art Gallery has an advisory committee for a young professionals
group called Young Friends of MAG (YFM). YFM exists to offer young
professional MAG members, with or without young families, opportunities to
enhance their lives by social/professional networking and to experience the
arts in environments that are Fun, Entertaining, Engaging, and Educational.
The advisory committee served as a resource for creative energy and talent
for coming up with ideas to increase awareness about the museum and YFM
programs, support fundraising, and identify potential partners in the
community. All advisory committee members are members of the museum and one
benefit they receive is free admission to most YFM events...since they
usually work as a volunteer at the event. They usually meet once a month and
subcommittees for special events meet as often as necessary. There isn't
much interaction between the YFM advisory committee and our board, but the
museum's board of managers is given an update on YFM happenings by the staff
liaison at regularly scheduled board meetings. If you'd like, I can send
more information directly to you (vs. the museum discussion list).


Debora McDell
Coordinator of Community Programs and Outreach
Memorial Art Gallery
500 University Avenue
Rochester, NY 14607
Phone: (585) 473-7720, x3034
Fax: (585) 473-6266
Email: [log in to unmask]

-----Original Message-----
From: elizabeth No [mailto:[log in to unmask]]
Sent: Wednesday, October 09, 2002 5:23 PM
To: [log in to unmask]
Subject: Marketing Advisory Board

Hello Everyone! I have been given a homework assignment that I need your
help with. The historical society I am working with is beginning plans to
improve our image in the public. We have many needs, most of which require
us to increase our marketing efforts to raise awareness in the community
about who we are and what we do. One weakness that we face is in our
membership. Over 90% of our membership is over the age of 55. So, in
response, our marketing committee of our board has developed a "Young
Professionals" advisory board. Our original thought was that this board
would help us raise awareness of our programs, facilities, etc. to younger
people aged 18-40. We had a mixer to see what the interest might be. There
were only 6 people, but they were all extremely interested, and promised to
bring others. The problem we, as a committee, are facing is what do we do
with them once we have them. So, I would like to ask the following
questions. For those of you who have a similar committee:

1. What kinds of things does your "marketing" or "community" advisory board
do when the meet?

2. What are the benefits to being an advisory board members and what
incentives do you offer to get them to come/stay?

3. How does your board interact with your permanent board and your public?

4. How often do you meet?

I know there are many more questions, but this will help us to begin
thinking of them. I hope that I explained this well enough. If you need more
information, please feel free to call me or e-mail me.  I could really use
some help on this.


Elizabeth Nohra
Mahoning Valley Historical Society
Youngstown, Ohio

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