How does it react in a fire?  I seem to recall that Tyvek can melt and cause
small droplets to fuse to objects underneath.

Genevieve Ellerbee
Associate Registrar
DAR Museum
Washington, D.C.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Carol Reid [SMTP:[log in to unmask]]
> Sent: Friday, July 05, 2002 8:48 AM
> To:   [log in to unmask]
> Subject:      Tyvek as a cover. Was: help finding dustcovers
> We had the opportunity several years ago to purchase a roll of plain white
> tyvek. Our conservator at the time had researched the matter quite
> thoroughly and did not find it wanting in any way.
> We have since used it as the final wrap on rolled textiles, made dust
> covers
> for shelving units (just fasten to shelving frame with velcro), and we
> have
> even made dust covers for vehicles with it, we have also used it as a
> removeable handling support/liner for drawers and shelves on which we
> place
> fragile items - we don't have to pick up the uniform, just pick up the
> tyvek
> liner instead, minimizing the handling of the artifact and the stress on
> it.
> It is easy to use, just cut and sew or cut and glue!
> Just remember that it is a made as a vapour barrier and although it will
> repell water for some time it is not completely waterproof. Also if you
> are
> purchasing/obtaining a roll, make sure that it is not the construction
> grade
> tyvek as the construction grade usually has printing all over it and you
> really want just the plain unadulterated white tyvek.
> Carol Reid
> [log in to unmask]

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