On Monday, June 17, 2002, the Louisiana Association of Museums will be
offering an all-day professional development workshop devoted to
grantsmanship at the USS Kidd & Nautical Museum in Baton Rouge, LA.  The
workshop will provide an overview of the grant-seeking process, and topics
covered will include: planning and priority setting, researching funding
sources, networking and proposal development.  Emily DiStefano, M.S., CFRE,
President of DiStefano and Associates, will be the workshop instructor.

The workshop is free to all individual and institutional members of the
Louisiana Association of Museums.  (Membership rates begin at $35.00 for
individuals and $50.00 for institutions, and one can join LAM and register
for the workshop at the same time.)  A fee of $75.00 will be charged to non-

Please contact Diane Losavio, Executive Director of the Louisiana
Association of Museums, for further information or to register for the
workshop.  Diane can be reached by telephone at 225-383-6800 or by e-mail
at [log in to unmask]

Shannon Glasheen
Curator of Statewide Services
Louisiana State Museum
P.O. Box 2448
New Orleans, LA 70176
[log in to unmask]

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