Hello to everyone on the list.

I tried to post this message to another thread from this listserv but it didn't post for some reason, so I'm trying again.  I would like to ask the list
for their advice on a topic concerning resumes and employment in the museum/archival field.  Specifically, does it matter if your resume shows
you are working at a well known museum or archives or if you are working at a local or brand new institution that is not well known?  Will this
affect chances of landing a job in the future, or will more emphasis be placed on job experience, what position and responsibilities you had in your
past jobs, and positive references from former employers?  My resume has a mix of well known and obscure archives and museums on it - the
most well known being the Chicago Historical Society and the Northwestern University (in Evanston, Illinois) Archives; the obscure ones being an
archives for the circuit court of the county I live in and a local community college archives located in the institution's library.  I happen to be the
sole person in charge of the community college archives, a volunteer at the CHS, and was previously an intern at the other 2 repositories.

Thanks for any advice I get from the list.


Martin Firestein

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