Please excuse the cross-postings.

EVALUATING GOVERNANCE: A workshop for AAM Peer Reviewers Sunday, May 12
8:00 AM-5:00 PM

Identify Characteristics of Good Governance -- Learn Effective Evaluation

Workshop participants will explore how to assess governance in a museum
setting and learn to identify the characteristics of good governance. This
workshop is useful for all AAM peer reviewers conducting site visits for
Accreditation and MAP, particularly for those interested in the new
Governance Assessment. This past fall, AAM rolled out the newest MAP
Assessment & Governance. To make this assessment a success, we need peer
reviewers with experience working with governing authorities and familiar
with the unique characteristics of the Governance Assessment.

Workshops are free and lunch will be provided; participants must pay for
their own travel and accommodations.

Registration must be received by April 15, 2002. Each workshop is limited to
45 participants.
Current peer reviewers can register by completing the online form
        < >  or
print out this form to mail or fax to:
        Karen Topping, Peer Reviewer Manager, AAM, 1575 Eye St. N.W., Suite
400, Washington, DC 20005; 202/218-7688;                e-mail:
[log in to unmask]; fax 202/289-6578.

* You must be a current peer reviewer to register. NEW PEER REVIEWERS
        - APPLY NOW < >

* BRING A TRUSTEE: Half of the 2002 Governance Assessment visits will have a
Surveyor team of a director and a member of his/her governing authority.

* For details about
       MAP < >
       Governance Assessment and Governance < >
       Surveyor Qualifications < >

Peer reviewers are encouraged to attend both the workshop and the
conference. REGISTER NOW for the AAM Annual Meeting Dallas, Tex. at
        < >

Evaluating Governance will also be offered in Manchester, N.H. (NEMA)
[Tentative], Richmond, Va. (SEMC) [Tentative],and AAM Annual Meeting
Portland, Oreg. (2003)

For more information, please contact:
Karen Topping, Peer Reviewer Manager
phone (202/218-7688) -- fax (202/289-6578) -- [log in to unmask] --

Don't miss the AAM Annual Meeting & MuseumExpo2002 May 12-16 in Dallas!
Save money by registering before April 12!
Visit for more details
Make your hotel reservation online soon at

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