
We do scanning as well as having our in-house photographer do original copy
work. One pro about this situation is that researchers with last minute
requests can get an image from our archive (if the item may be safely
scanned) without the turn around time for copy work. We charge the exact
same amount as we would to create a hard copy of a photograph from our
collection for which we have a negative. Long distance researchers seem
especially to appreciate this service.

Hope this is helpful,
Lisa Gensel
Pictorial Cataloging Assistant
Hagley Museum and Library

----Original Message Follows----
From: Kimberly Kenney <[log in to unmask]>

Hi all,

Our librian/archivist is exploring the possibility of
scanning photographs for patrons instead of having our
photographer copy them (unless the patron needs a hard
copy).  Once they were scanned initially, they could
be stored for future copying without stressing the
original more.  Does anyone else out there do this?
If so, what do you charge per scan/image?  Are there
any pros/cons you've encountered?

Kim Kenney
McKinley Museum
Canton OH

MSN Photos is the easiest way to share and print your photos:

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