I am trying to learn more about public programs and education in museums.  If
any of you could help me learn more by answering the following questions I
would greatly appreciate it.

1. What are some of the most successful public programs you have planned?
2. What are the greatest challenges you face when planning educational programs
for visitors?
3. What are some trends you see in planning educational programs in museums?
4. What types of educational and knowledge theories do you implement in the
development of your education programs?
5. Does your museum have an established educational policy?  If so, what is it?
6. How do you believe people learn?
7. What does your museum consider education to be?
8. What are some of the most unique public programs you've seen in museums?

Answers to any or all of these questions would be very helpful as well as any
general thoughts you have on planning educational programs in museums.

Thank you very much.

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