I found your advice about a museum career quite helpful.  I just made the
decision a couple weeks ago to pursue my master's in museum studies, but now
i'm wondering if i should try public history.  My undergrad degree is in
history and it is truly one of my passions.  I have previously worked in the
museum field as an historic interpreter, and am hoping now to explore other
career opportunities in the field.  Would you recommend a public history
degree versus one in museum studies?  Also, does anyone know of any programs
in the NE or mid-atlantic areas?  Thanks!
Shelley Brown

>From: Aaron Marcavitch <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: Museum discussion list <[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: museum careers
>Date: Wed, 16 May 2001 10:44:57 -0700
>Ah! A museum career!  You have a million options out there.  There are the
>straight up Museum
>studies programs or the more diverse public history or arts programs.  I
>wont say which is better,
>but you have to think about what you want to be doing.  Do you like
>education?  Do you like the
>artifacts?  I would like to be working in a history museum so I am in a
>public history program.
>THis allows me to be diverse, especially if I can find a job in a musuem.
>I could be working in a
>bunch of different places.  If you like administration and art, there are
>arts admin programs.
>Basically though, you really will have a hard time being hired (this holds
>true for most of the
>jobs out there today in any field) without a masters.  But if you aren't
>sure, take that year off
>or two and work in some places.  Even if you waitress for most of the time
>and volunteer in at two
>or three different museums, it helps.  Try volunteering at both an arts
>museumand a history museum
>or a natural science museum.  Be diverse.
>Then, find a program.  Lots of good ones.  Look on my website under
>Employment links and you will
>see a tab for education.  THis will link you up to several.  I dont have
>them all, but its worth a
>shot.  Most are history based, so I apologize if you dont like history.
>After all that, you will find out that many program wont teach you some of
>the important aspects.
>Take classes at the vo-tech in computer databases and web design, find out
>who the local grant
>writer is and ask them questions.  Take a basic accounting course.  Go to a
>million conferences
>and present at a few of them.
>This could be loads of fun.  And remember that there are programs all over
>the country.  Try
>something new.  I really dont care for the South, but I came here for
>something different.  And
>trust me it helps.
>If you have more questions, I could go on forever.  Let me know!
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>Grad. Student Caucus Chair, Am. Assoc of History & Computing
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