As part of a report on resources planning that I am working on for our
board planning committee, I am doing research on how contributed income
figures in the operating budgets at other museums.  I am looking
specifically for the following information:

Percentage of the institution's operating budget that is represented by
contributed income.

Break down of contributed income by percentage for each type of
contribution.  For comparison purposes, here is how we break down our
contributed income: General Membership (members contributing up to $1500),
Friends of Fenway Court (members contributing $1500 or more), Annual Fund,
Board Gifts, Member Events, Special Events, Corporate Rentals, Corporate
Membership, Restricted Grants, and Unrestricted Grants.

I would be very grateful if any of you would be willing to share these
percentages from your own museum's budget.  If you prefer to transmit this
information offline, please feel free to email me at [log in to unmask]
And please let me know if you have any questions.

Thanks everyone!

Lydia K. Hellrich
Board Relations Coordinator
Isabella Stewart Gardner Museum
Boston, Massachusetts

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