The Museum of Sex LLC -- the world's premier museum focusing on the
significance of sexuality in the arts, sciences, history and culture --
seeks an experienced curator to provide leadership for the museum's
inaugural exhibition, on the history of sexuality in New York City.

The curator has worked in the field of American and/or New York social
history and material culture. Tasks include collaboration with
historian/advisors to develop scholarly research aimed toward publication
and development of proposals, scripts, and documentation for exhibitions;
acquisition, care and development of exhibition artifacts; organization of
and participation in public programs; publication of popular articles;
presentation of lectures; and response to public inquires. Criteria
include: 1) knowledge of 18th-20th-century New York social history; and 2)
knowledge of the collecting and exhibiting of museum objects. Desirable
criteria are: 1) demonstrated ability to conduct research in history and
acquisitions; 2) experience in curating museum exhibits; and 3)
demonstrated ability to work collaboratively on complex projects.

Please send letter and resume to:

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Curator Exhibit 1
The Museum of Sex LLC
589 Fifth Avenue, Suite 1133
New York, New York 10017

The Museum of Sex LLC is an equal opportunity, affirmative action employer.

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