On Fri, 2 Mar 2001 10:59:34 -0500, Feltus, Pamela <[log in to unmask]> wrote:

>Is there anything we can do here in the States about this?
>Pamela Feltus
>National Museum of American Jewish Military History
>1811 R Street NW, Washington DC 20009
>202-265-6280 x201
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Hello all !

I read a short piece from the Asahi-shimbun newspaper (March 2, 2001) that
the director of the Metropolitan Museum of Arts, Mr. Philippe de Montebello
has announced that he is prepared to visit Kabul with specialists to talk
with the Taliban leaders to take out the buddhist sculptures outside the
country for rescueing them from destruction. He says he will pay for the
courier fees and whatever.
From this news, it looks like that Mr. Montebello is the center person in
this emergency rescue action.

I look forward to hearing the other's news about this issue.

Stay-tuned to YOUR Museum-L !

Yasui R.
Lecturer in Museum Studies
Obirin University
P.O. Box 13, Turukawa
Machida 195, Japan
E-post: [log in to unmask]

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The Museum-L FAQ file is located at http://www.finalchapter.com/museum-l-faq/ . You may obtain detailed information about the listserv commands by sending a one line e-mail message to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should read "help" (without the quotes).

If you decide to leave Museum-L, please send a one line e-mail message to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should read "Signoff Museum-L" (without the quotes).