Dear Listers,

In your museum, how many keys do you have for your showcases, not just for
each showcase but in general? A key per floor of the museum, a key for stand
alone cases and a key for wall-mounted cases and is there a separate key for
the storage cabinet underneath?

We want to get rid of the old system where we have close to a hundred keys
but what is advisable, many keys or fewer keys. What system are you using,
more importantly with how many keys are you using it and who supervises the

Thank you for sharing.

Kind regards,
Roeland Stulemeijer
National University of Singapore Museums
E-mail: [log in to unmask]
Tel: (+ 65) 874 8817
Fax: (+ 65) 778 3738
10 Kent Ridge Crescent
Singapore 119260

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