I would take the suggestion that was offered about the rifle, although more
correctly, a MUSKET would be appropriate, circa 1830's Springfield, which
is available from Navy Arms, CVA or other reproduction companies, and the
spinning wheel, I can probably provide you with an original, especially if
you want a large southern wheel, since I provide weaving supplies and
restorations of both arms and craft supplies (guns, looms, spinning wheels,
cooking utensils, Native American craftwork and reproductions, antique
tools, etc.) to motion pictures. I can get an incomplete Southern wheel
locally for about 300 dollars, and send it to you, either restored or with
a few parts missing for about $40 shipping (restored and usable would run
about 500) I also have access to winders (250 each) nitty-noddy (40) and
other originals which I do have on hand, and I can aquire a proper musket
for you for around 750 new, or look for you a used one,...but that will
take time, I'd estimate 350 I can find a suitable arm for you within 3
weeks. Contact me via e-mail or Authentic Reproductions at (512) 832-9726,
in Austin, Texas. I also have some Cherokee items I made for a movie ("True
Women") circa 1836 for sale,..if you can get me a list of needs and how
they are to be used in display, I can give you a proper consult on what
particular item is needed and approx. cost.

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