We use Filemaker Pro for our Paleontology, History, Anthropology, and Art
collections.  Filemaker has one major limitation. It is still a flat
database that is very limited on space for very large collections.  Our
Anthropology collection has well over a 100,000 objects and is forced to
break up their database by accession number (one database is created every
year).  Version 5.0 is relational, however, it is not fully relational like
Access.  It relates databases, not tables.

It is fairly simple to create a database for your collection using
Filemaker, but future growth and space (RAM) can be a concern.

If you do decide to use Filemaker, we have just finished a project where we
installed a bar code system into Filemaker.  As part of a master's thesis
project, I have just completed a How-to-Install a bar code system manual
using FileMaker.  The system greatly expanded the capabilities of Filemaker
as a database for our collections, but the amount of memory required to open
it in our larger collections makes it difficult to perform search functions.

Susan Fishman-Armstrong
Research Assistant
Vital Tissue Collection
Museum of Texas Tech University

AND it's got a really nice web interface

"Paula B. Freedman" wrote:

 > I have used Filemaker Pro for a number of collections needs, both in
 > (art) settings and for private clients.  I have found Filemaker Pro to be
 > easy to understand, easy to use, affordable, and versatile in its ability
 > to allow the user to design a "form" that  looks and works in the way the
 > user wants. Can't recommend it highly enough! Also, it's available for
 > Mac and Windows platforms.
 > >Sigh, not collections databases again you say.
 > >
 > > I am seeking folks who have a MAC platform collections database that is
 > >being used in a history museum & archives (medium size collection). It
 > >be a packaged program or custom program.  I am looking for
 > >or critiques of what is out there. (Which, as I can see, is not much).
 > >
 > >Thanks,
 > >
 > >Laura J. Quackenbush, Curator
 > >Leelanau Historical Museum
 > >203 East Cedar St *  POB 246 * Leland, MI 49654
 > >[log in to unmask] *  231/256-7475  *  FX 231/256-7650
 > =========================================================
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