It probably depends on where you went to school whether or not there were
lockers in the hallway.  I started school in 1944 in a small town in
northwestern Ontario and there were none.  But neither was there a
cafeteria, a gymnasium, or any of the amenities common today.  The school
had grades 1-8 on the first and part of the second floor (with one grade, 5,
I think, on the third) and grades 8-13 on the second and one grade on the
third.  There were four rooms on the first floor, four on the second and two
on the third.  Some grades were doubled in a room, usually 3&4, and 5&6. The
school had been built in 1905 and was a right cow to heat in the winter when
temps of -30F were not uncommon - I remember well sitting in class with my
parka on and only taking off my mitt only when it was essential to write.
When that happened they would usually let the entire school out by 10 AM and
expect us all back after lunch when they had enough heat to make it possible
to teach/learn.
You will be pleased to learn that I did NOT walk 3 miles to school each day,
there were NO hills, I HAD real clothes and shoes, etc., but it was still a
miserable time getting 8 blocks from home to school when it was -30 and the
wind was howling out of the north.  Things were better in the fall and

> -----Original Message-----
> From: Mark Speltz [SMTP:[log in to unmask]]
> Sent: Monday, November 20, 2000 10:15 PM
> To:   [log in to unmask]
> Subject:      School in the 1940s - question
> Hello everyone.
> I have a fun question.  I am wondering if anyone out there in museum-l
> land
> can tell me about going to school in the 1940s?
> I am wondering if LOWER and MIDDLE schools in the mid 1940s in general did
> or
> didn't have lockers in the hallways?
> Thanks for your replies, I appreciate it greatly.
> Mark Speltz
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