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        Henry Ford Museum & Greenfield Village has been working on
developing policies and procedures for collections that are actively used on
exhibit or in demonstrations.

        This questionaire was put together by our Chief Conservator.
Responses can be sent direct to her, or to the list if people wish to
discuss them.  I will forward any response made to the list to her.  Thanks.

        Henry Ford Museum and Greenfield Village is in the process of
developing a set of policies and procedures to aid in the preservation of
collections that are handled or operated for educational or daily program
use. Specifically, we are attempting to set criteria by which the decision
to use reproductions in lieu of collection items is made. We are interested
in gathering information from museums that routinely deal with similar
issues. We would appreciate it if you took a moment to answer the following

        1.) Does your museum or living history site own any collections that
are utilized for "hand's on" demonstrations? Ex. automobiles, carriages,
locomotives, household items, industrial collections, agricultural
collections, rare books etc.

        A.) If yes, are the items considered to be part of the museums
accessioned collection or are they considered to be a separate collection
ex. A study collection?

        2.) How would you describe your museum? (Ex. Historical Museum,
Science Center, Living History Site, Historic House, Other)

        3.) Who is responsible for the preservation of the "hands on" or
"operational" collections at your museum or historic site?

        4.) Who determines which items are to be "operated" or "used"? (Ex.
curators, exhibit designers, program developers, conservators, a committee,
the museums director etc.)

        5.) Who determines when reproductions will be used in place of
collections items.

        6.) Who maintains the reproduction items?

        7.) Have you ever encountered a situation where the cost of
purchasing or making a reproduction was higher than the cost of purchasing
an antique? If so, was the reproduction purchased?

        Phone, e-mail or faxed responses would be appreciated. Thanks for
your assistance.

        Mary M. Fahey
        Chief Conservator/Head of Preservation
        Henry Ford Museum & Greenfield Village
        20900 Oakwood Blvd
        Dearborn, Michigan 48121
        [log in to unmask]
        313-982-6245 FAX

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