I am sorry if I offended anyone when talking about a list of topics. I might
have been misunderstood.

I was not talking about specific subjects, like choose 1 out of 5. What I
meant were general ideas, like starting points, which obviously have to be
carefully researched by each student before the actual choice is made.

A thesis may influence a person future life, and that is way my advice was
to try to find a subject suitable for a future work.

There are probably several subjects that one finds interesting, so you may
feel a little lost and ask for the advise of more experience people.
And they don’t have to tell you to do this or do that, but they can be kind
and ask you some questions.

It is really an amassing thing when you right your first thesis. When you
finish it you have a felling of accomplishment. And it through the steps of
that process, that you probably learn the most.

Ana Teresa da Conceicao

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