Well said, Honey.  This list is a research tool, which I use besides a
library.  The internet has been a great place to get information from people
and who I would never have come into contact with 15 years ago.

Just to give you an update of what I think I have decided to research my
thesis on is the importance of arts education in our schools, including how
can the government provide more money, how can the schools raise awareness
of its importance in society, and a basis of how lessons can be taught to
include art history.  That is where I am going to start and I'll see what
happens from there.

Thank you everyone for your suggestions I greatly appreciate them!

On to the research!

Jennifer Doyle

>From: Honey Tondre <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: Museum discussion list <[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Re: Thesis Topic
>Date: Fri, 6 Oct 2000 18:27:28 EDT
>Dear Cate Cooney,
>Wow- how disappointed I am in you!  I have asked the question many times
>about jobs and what the job description is for such titles.  I am not sure
>if you were referring to any of my questions in your statement
>"I probably sound snotty as all get-out, but these messages asking for jobs
>and thesis topics are really surprising to me.  Don't people do their own
>research anymore?"
>I actually did my own research on where I could find a list of museum
>professionals that would be able to better help answer my questions and
>guess what I got?  This list!  This is my research tool along with books
>which are going to give me a basic overview, but some of the people here
>perform these jobs and can tell me firsthand what they actually do.
>Let me clarify some things for you... you DO sound snotty, you ARE grumpy,
>and you ARE ungenerous.  As a student of art history and museum studies, I
>must say, that people like you with your snotty remarks thrive on the power
>you take from others every time someone asks for help and you shoot them
>down.  It is ridiculous and more over uncalled for.  If you can't help or
>do not want to help Ms. Doyle, whom I am sure has the ability to think for
>herself and simply wanted to get some other peoples ideas, then do not
>respond.  It is that easy.  But building yourself up by giving the
>students, who ask questions a verbal spanking, is simply not welcomed.
>Furthermore, in response to your statement of "I have never felt obligated
>to do another person's work for her."  You still aren't, so get off your
>moral high horse.
>I must say as a student, I thank the list for the priceless information
>that I read daily.
>Honey Tondre
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