This is exactly why I use a Hotmail account for Museum-L.  I found it filled
my museum e-mail with more than I could keep up.  I find some discussions
very fascinating.  I learn from the questions posed by others (the reason
some of us have asked in the past for answers to most questions not be made
off-list).  I find some discussions total yawners or irrelvant. My mouse
knows its way to the delete key very well.  Keep up the questions and
discussions.  I like learning from the experiences of others.  It saves me a
lot of time.


Jerrie Clarke
Curator of Collections
Valdez Museum

>From: Jay Heuman <[log in to unmask]>
>Reply-To: Museum discussion list <[log in to unmask]>
>To: [log in to unmask]
>Subject: Apology
>Date: Thu, 7 Sep 2000 12:53:47 -0500
>Hello All:
>         I write by way of apology to Richard S. White.  As he indicated in
>private message, he was offended by my "ad hominen attack" in a public
>forum.  Therefore, I apologize sincerely to anyone who was offended,
>including Mr. White.
>         To restate my point without resorting to an "ad hominem attack":
>Museum-L is for public discussion.  If you wish private discussion or no
>discussion, then Museum-L is not the forum for you.  If you do not enjoy
>Museum-L messages, please delete the offending messages or unsubscribe.
>But, do not try to censor everyone else.
>Thank you all, and have a good day.
>Jay Heuman
>[log in to unmask]
>Important Subscriber Information:
>The Museum-L FAQ file is located at
> . You may obtain detailed
>information about the listserv commands by sending a one line e-mail
>message to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should
>read "help" (without the quotes).
>If you decide to leave Museum-L, please send a one line e-mail message to
>[log in to unmask] . The body of the message should read "Signoff
>Museum-L" (without the quotes).

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Important Subscriber Information:

The Museum-L FAQ file is located at . You may obtain detailed information about the listserv commands by sending a one line e-mail message to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should read "help" (without the quotes).

If you decide to leave Museum-L, please send a one line e-mail message to [log in to unmask] . The body of the message should read "Signoff Museum-L" (without the quotes).