The International Child Art Foundation (ICAF) is a world leader in child
art creation and exhibition programs.  More than one million children aged
8-12 years in 86 countries participated in the ICAF Millennium Program by
creating paitings and drawings on the theme"My World in the Year 2000."
Independent panelists selected the works of art for exhibition purposes.
ICAF has the following three exhibitions, which YOU may be interested in:
(a)  49 original & framed works of art of children from across the United
States; (b) 86 orginal & framed works of art of national finalists from 86
countries; (c) lithographs of the 86 original artworks.  For details,
please click on "Millennium Exhibition Program" at  ICAF also
publishes the ChildArt magazine, which can be checked on the website as
well. You can contact Tim Bigelow at (202) 530-1000 or at [log in to unmask]

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