I'm with Adrienne on this, the original post didn't sound like the tour
operators were cooperating.  As for our museum, we certainly do charge
all the way up until quitting time, "buyer beware."   I do like the one
solution where if they come by too late, then they can use that ticket
for tomorrow's admission price....but I'm melting on this, and I gotta
stay put with Adrienne.


On Tue, 11 Jul 2000 16:29:45 -0700 Adrienne DeAngelis
<[log in to unmask]> writes:
> I don't understand--why must the museum defer or adjust to the
> parasitical
> activities of tour operators?  It doesn't sound, from the original
> post,
> that they ever patronize the museum in any sort of supportive
> manner.
> Adrienne DeAngelis
> On Tue, 11 Jul 2000, David Stanford Gregory wrote:
> > I believe that you do want to encourage a good working
> relationship with the
> > tour operators...
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