It would help to know what kind of grant you are
applying for (foundation, state, corporation, federal)
and how you intend to use it, but here are some basic
1.  give yourself plenty of time, especially if this
    is the first grant you have ever written.  if
    you have to hurry to meet the deadline, you will
    make mistakes.

2.  find a grant where your needs meet their criteria.
    Don't apply for an education grant if your looking
    for money to update collection record keeping.

3.  Ask for a copy of a past successful grant.  Looking
    it over will give you a better idea of what to

4.  Find a contact person at the grant office who can
    give clear answers to those annoyingly vague
    questions you will run across.

5.  Write and rewrite.  Your first draft will not be
    your best one.

6.  Have someone look over your work, especially
    someone who has written a grant before.

7.  If you don't get the grant, ask why.  Many
    places will tell you exactly what you did
    wrong so you don't repeat the same mistake
    in the future.

Hope this helps.  If you have more question, contact
me off list.  I have written several successful grants
and will be glad to help.

Belinda Nickles
Museum Consultant

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