I am a staff member at a small arts organization that is planning to
relocate to a newly renovated facility within the next 9 months.
Unfortunately, due to some circumstances in our current location, we will
need to temporarily relocate our administrative offices during the
renovation of our new gallery space.

There has been much debate over how we should communicate our temporary
location to the public, if at all. Naturally there are some people who need
to know where we are, but we won't be hosting any exhibitions at the
temporary space. We do expect to have a "coming soon" presence at the
permanent space while renovation is in progress.

Has anyone out there had any experience with this process? Our specific
issue seems to revolve around the interim location and our marketing efforts
surrounding the move and general communication materials.

any suggestions would be of help. please reply off list.

Shana O'Hara
Gallery Manager
Aljira, a Center for Contemporary Art
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