Dear Museum-L'ers

For the last 8 years the staff has been discussing close captioning for
video (they run under 5 to 10 minutes) in our galleries, and for a much
longer, orientation film (about 28 minutes) on the life of Richard Nixon
that we show in our main auditorium.  In the past, we were hesitant to do
the necessary work due to expense.  We think that perhaps with better
technology and friendlier systems, we might be able to fulfill the need
for close captioning in our gallery videos, and reflective captioning in
the main auditorium, so we are taking a third look at options for
software, equipment, and tackling this with a consultant or freelancer.

Have any of you out there worked on a such a project; what were the
pitfalls, what was learned, and who would you recommend for this (I've
done a lot of online research so I'm becoming familiar with the
terminology and setup).

Thanks a bunch!  You may reply on-list or off.

Olivia S. Anastasiadis, Curator
Richard Nixon Library & Birthplace
18001 Yorba Linda Blvd.
Yorba Linda, CA  92886
(714) 993-5075 ext. 224; (714) 528-0544

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