For Sae-san and others who share the interest:

Try the below ones.

John Doran Gas Museum
British Gas plc
Aylestone Road
Leicester, LE2 7QH
Telefon: +44 116 253 5506  Telefax: +44 116 253 5506

London Gas Museum
British Gas plc
Twelvetrees Crescent
London, E3 3JH
Telefon: 207 538 4982  Telefax: 207 538 0781

Petrosains Discovery Centre
Petronas Twin Tower Level 4
Kuala Lumpur 50088
Telefon: 3 581 8787  Telefax: 3 581 2903

Charleston Energy Info Center
South Carolina Electric and Gas Company
320 Citadel Mall
Charelston, SC 29402
Telefon: 803 745 7245

Columbia Energy Information Center
South Carolina Electric and Gas Company
Dutch Square Mall
Bush River Road,
Columbia, SC 29218
Telefon: 803 733 4090

Dakota Energy Complex
Dakota Gasification Company
POB 1149
Beulah, ND 58523
Telefon: 701 873 6667

Best wishes !


Ryo Yasui
Lecturer in Museum Studies
Obirin University
POB 13, Turukawa
Machida-shi 195, Japan
e-post: [log in to unmask]

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